U.S. Department of Labor
Office of Inspector General
Office of Audit


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Search by Keyword:

Keywords are:

  1. each individual element, or any sequence of elements, of the audit report number. The 5 elements of a DOL OIG audit report number (example: 06-01-014-03-386) represent: the OIG Operating Office-Fiscal Year of Issue-Operating Office Sequential Report Number-DOL Agency-Program Audited

    (Note: Click on OIG Operating Offices or DOL Agency-Programs to view the universe of codes for these elements.);

  2. the report issue date (month full name, month date, 4-digit year, ex: January 22, 2001);

  3. a word which appears in the report title;

  4. the name of, or acronym for, the program that was audited.

Search by Fiscal Year:

This option provides for a search of all fiscal years, or a search for a specific fiscal year in which the report was issued

Search by Agency:

This option provides for a search of all DOL agencies, or a search for a specific DOL agency audited

Codes For OIG Operating Offices:

02New York
09San Francisco
12Office of Financial Management Audits
17Office of Performance Audits
18Office of Grant and Contract Audits
21Washington Audit Office
22Office of Performance and Financial Accountability Audits
23Office of Information Technology Audits

Codes For DOL Agency-Programs

01-010Office of the Secretary(OSEC) - Deputy Secretary
01-060OSEC - Office of Administrative Law Judges
01-070OSEC - Bureau of International Labor Affairs
02-201Veteran' Employment & Training Service(VETS) - VETS Grantee
03-001Employment & Training Administration(ETA) - ETA Management
03-315ETA - Unemployment Insurance Service
03-320ETA - United States Employment Service
03-321ETA - Foreign Labor Certification
03-325ETA - State Employment Security Agency
03-330ETA - NAFTA/Trade Adjustment Assistance
03-340ETA - Job Training Partnership Act
03-355ETA - Indian and Native American Programs
03-360ETA - Older Worker Programs
03-365ETA - Seasonal Farmworker Programs
03-370ETA - Job Corps
03-385ETA - School-to-Work
03-386ETA - Welfare-to-Work
03-390ETA - Workforce Investment Act
04-001Employment Standards Administration(ESA) - ESA Management
04-420ESA - Wage and Hour
04-431ESA - Federal Employees Compensation
04-432ESA - Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation
04-433ESA - Coal Miner Workers Compensation (Black Lung)
06-001Mine Safety & Health Administration(MSHA) - MSHA Mangement
06-601MSHA - MSHA Grantees
07-001Office of the Assistant Secretary of Administration & Management(OASAM) - OASAM Management
07-711OASAM - Business Operations Center
07-735OASAM - Office of Cost Determination
08-001Office of the Solicitor(SOL) - SOL Management
10-001Occupational Safety & Health Administration(OSHA) - OSHA Management
10-105OSHA - Enforcement Programs
11-001Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLS) - BLS Management
12-001Pension & Welfare Benefits Administration(PWBA) - PWBA Management
12-121PWBA - Enforcement
13-001Office of the Chief Finanical Office(OCFO) - OCFO Mangement
50-598Multi - Single Audit

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