[DOCID: f:hd123.110]
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110th Congress, 2d Session  - - - - - - - - - - House Document 110-123

                          FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009








June 17, 2008.--Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered 
                             to be printed
                                           The White House,
                                          Washington, June 9, 2008.
Hon. Nancy Pelosi,
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
Washington, DC.
    Dear Madam Speaker: I ask the Congress to consider the 
enclosed amendments to my FY 2009 Budget for the Departments of 
Agriculture, Commerce, Health and Human Services, Homeland 
Security, the Interior, Labor, and the Treasury. Overall, the 
discretionary budget authority proposed in my FY 2009 Budget 
would not be increased by these requests.
    I am requesting an additional $546 million for the 
Department of Commerce to cover increased costs to conduct the 
2010 Decennial Census. I am also requesting $275 million for 
the Department of Health and Human Services to improve food and 
medical product safety and $1 million for the Department of 
Homeland Security to continue operations of the Office of the 
Federal Coordinator for Gulf Coast Rebuilding through February 
28, 2009. These amounts are fully offset by reductions to other 
    The details of these amendments are set forth in the 
enclosed letter from the Director of the Office of Management 
and Budget.
                                                    George W. Bush.
                 [Estimate No. 5, 110th Cong. 2d Sess.]

                 Executive Office of the President,
                           Office of Management and Budget,
                                      Washington, DC, June 9, 2008.
The President,
The White House.
    Submitted for your consideration are amendments to your FY 
2009 Budget. This request would provide $546 million to the 
Department of Commerce to ensure an accurate and on-time 2010 
Decennial Census. Due to cost, schedule, and performance 
problems with a key information technology contract, the Census 
Bureau recently announced it would scale back the scope of its 
2010 reengineering plan and correspondingly increase other 
activities to ensure a successful census. Therefore, additional 
funds are needed for the re-planned census.
    This request would also provide $275 million to the 
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Food and Drug 
Administration (FDA) to: improve the safety of imported and 
domestic food and medical products; modernize FDA's information 
technology infrastructure; improve FDA facilities; and expand 
laboratory capacity for FDA to execute its import safety 
    This request would also provide $1 million for continued 
operations of the Office of the Federal Coordinator for Gulf 
Coast Rebuilding through February 28, 2009, as defined by 
Executive Orders 13389 and 13390, as amended by Executive Order 
    These requested increases would be fully offset by 
cancelling or reducing $822 million in funding from lower-
priority Federal programs and excess funds. As described below 
and in more detail in the enclosures, the cancellation 
proposals include the following:
    <bullet> $175 million in unobligated balances in the Bureau 
of Reclamation's Water and Related Resources account in the 
Department of the Interior.
    <bullet> $80 million in unobligated balances in the 
Employment Standards Administration, Salaries and Expenses 
account in the Department of Labor.
    <bullet> $30 million in unobligated balances in the 
Treasury Forfeiture Fund account in the Department of the 
    <bullet> $260 million in funding in the Social Services 
Block Grant program in the Department of Health and Human 
    <bullet> $165 million in funding in the Watershed 
Rehabilitation Program account in the Department of 
    <bullet> $111 million in funding from Department of 
Commerce accounts that will be realized through reductions to 
lower priority activities ($41 million) and cancellation of 
unobligated balances ($70 million).
    <bullet> $1 million in funding in the Federal Emergency 
Management Agency's Operations, Management and Administration 
account in the Department of Homeland Security.
    I have reviewed these requests and am satisfied that they 
are necessary at this time. Therefore, I join the heads of the 
affected agencies in recommending that you transmit the 
proposals to the Congress.
                                                Jim Nussle,
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

                          Bureau of the Census


FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 210
FY 2009 Pending Request: $2,365,882,000
Proposed Amendment: $540,380,000
Revised Request: $2,906,262,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$2,365,882,000'' and substitute $2,906,262,000.)
    This amendment would increase the pending request for 
Periodic Censuses and Programs to ensure resources are adequate 
to complete an accurate and on-time 2010 Decennial Census. Due 
to significant cost, schedule, and performance problems with a 
major information technology contract, the U.S. Census Bureau 
is reducing the scope of the 2010 Census reengineering effort 
by eliminating its plan to utilize handheld computers for the 
non-response follow-up (NRFU) operation. Therefore, additional 
funding is needed to plan for a paper-based NRFU, hire more 
staff reflecting associated workload and staffing assumptions, 
and mitigate other risks.
    Major increases include $69 million for critical systems 
and preparatory activities necessary for a paper-based NRFU in 
2010; $116 million for Address Canvassing to hire additional 
workers due to revised productivity assumptions and other 
changes; $80 million for a more robust help desk to support the 
handheld computers for Address Canvassing; and $50 million for 
end-to-end system testing, to ensure all decennial systems are 
fully integrated. Also requested is a $200 million contingency 
fund, given the risks facing the program and uncertainty around 
what the final cost estimate will be for the Field Data 
Collection Automation contract.
    The total increase for the 2010 Census is almost $546 
million. This increase is partially offset within this account 
by nearly a $6 million reduction to lower priority activities. 
The remaining increase ($540 million) is offset through 
proposed reductions to other accounts within the Departments of 
Agriculture, Commerce, Health and Human Services, Homeland, the 
Interior, Labor, and the Treasury, as described in the 
accompanying amendments.

                      Food and Drug Administration

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 423
FY 2009 Pending Request: $2,332,425,000
Proposed Amendment: $265,000,000
Revised Request: $2,597,425,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$2,332,425,000'' and substitute $2,597,425,000.)
    This amendment would increase the pending request by $265 
million for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Salaries 
and Expenses account. The additional funds would be used to 
improve the safety of imported and domestic food and medical 
products and modernize FDA's information infrastructure.
    The requested increase in budget authority is fully offset 
by proposed reductions to other accounts within the Departments 
of Agriculture, Commerce, Health and Human Services, Homeland, 
the Interior, Labor, and the Treasury, as described in the 
accompanying amendments.

                      Food and Drug Administration

                        BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 423
FY 2009 Pending Request: $2,433,000
Proposed Amendment: $10,000,000
Revised Request: $12,433,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$2,433,000'' and substitute $12,433,000.)
    This amendment would increase the pending request by $10 
million for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Buildings 
and Facilities account. This proposed funding would improve FDA 
facilities for new technologies and expand laboratory capacity 
to improve the safety of imported and domestic food and medical 
    The requested increase in budget authority is fully offset 
by proposed reductions to other accounts within the Departments 
of Agriculture, Commerce, Health and Human Services, Homeland, 
the Interior, Labor, and the Treasury, as described in the 
accompanying amendments.

                 Departmental Management and Operations


FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 475
FY 2009 Pending BA Request: $291,000
Proposed BA Amendment: $989,000
Revised BA Request: $1,280,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$291,000'' and substitute $1,280,000.)
    This amendment would increase the pending request by nearly 
$1 million to continue operations of the Office of the Federal 
Coordinator for Gulf Coast Rebuilding through February 28, 
2009, as defined by Executive Orders 13389 and 13390, as 
amended by Executive Order 13463.
    The requested increase in budget authority is fully offset 
by proposed reductions to other accounts within the Departments 
of Agriculture, Commerce, Health and Human Services, Homeland 
Security, the Interior, Labor, and the Treasury, as described 
in the accompanying amendments.
                       DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE

                           GENERAL PROVISIONS

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 201
FY 2009 Pending Request: --
Proposed Amendment: Language
Revised Request: --

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
add the following new section after section 717:)
    Sec. 718. No funds shall be used to pay salaries and 
expenses of the Department of Agriculture to carry out or 
administer the program authorized by section 14(h)(1) of the 
Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act (16 U.S.C. 
Sec. 1012(h)(1)), as amended by the Food, Conservation, and 
Energy Act of 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110-234). Of the unobligated 
balances available for this program, $65,000,000 are hereby 
permanently cancelled. In addition, of the funds made available 
for this program for fiscal year 2009, $100,000,000 are hereby 
permanently cancelled.
    This amendment would reduce funding by $165 million for 
local governments to repair locally-owned dams in the Watershed 
Rehabilitation Program. Of this amount, $65 million was made 
available in the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 
and $100 million was made available in the Food, Conservation, 
and Energy Act of 2008. This funding is not required for the 
Department of Agriculture to meet the needs of rehabilitating 
the highest priority dams.
    The $165 million decrease would partially offset the 
proposed increases described in the accompanying amendments. 
Taken together with other proposals in this transmittal, the 
budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

                        Departmental Management

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 203
FY 2009 Pending Request: $61,083,000
Proposed Amendment: -$500,000
Revised Request: $60,583,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$61,083,000'' and substitute $60,583,000.)
    The FY 2009 Budget proposed an inflation adjustment for the 
Departmental Management, Salaries and Expenses account. This 
amendment would reduce the requested amount through reductions 
to lower priority activities.
    The $0.5 million decrease would partially offset the 
proposed increases described in the accompanying amendments. 
Taken together with other proposals in this transmittal, the 
budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

                  Economic Development Administration

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 207
FY 2009 Pending Request: $32,800,000
Proposed Amendment: -$1,968,000
Revised Request: $30,832,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$32,800,000'' and substitute $30,832,000.)
    This amendment would reduce the pending request for the 
Economic Development Administration's (EDA's) administrative 
budget by nearly $2 million, providing the 2008 enacted funding 
level. With new grant-making activities in 2009 expected to be 
lower than 2008 levels, this funding will be sufficient.
    The $2 million decrease would partially offset the proposed 
increases described in the accompanying amendments. Taken 
together with other proposals in this transmittal, the budget 
authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

                  Economic Development Administration


FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 208
FY 2009 Pending Request: $100,000,000
Proposed Amendment: -$7,200,000
Revised Request: $92,800,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$100,000,000'' and substitute $92,800,000.)
    This amendment would reduce the pending request by $7.2 
million by eliminating funding for the Economic Development 
Administration's (EDA's) public works grants. Other EDA grant 
programs would not be affected. Given the need for increased 
funding to support the 2010 Decennial Census, these grant 
programs are a lower priority.
    The $7.2 million decrease would partially offset the 
proposed increases described in the accompanying amendments. 
Taken together with other proposals in this transmittal, the 
budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

                          Bureau of the Census

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 209
FY 2009 Pending Request: $238,740,000
Proposed Amendment: -$5,152,000
Revised Request: $233,588,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$238,740,000'' and substitute $233,588,000.)
    This amendment would reduce the pending request for the 
Bureau of the Census, Salaries and Expenses account by $5.2 
million. The FY 2009 Budget proposed an inflation adjustment 
for this account and the amendment would eliminate this 
adjustment through reductions to lower priority activities.
    The $5.2 million decrease would partially offset the 
proposed increases described in the accompanying amendments. 
Taken together with other proposals in this transmittal, the 
budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

                   Economic and Statistical Analysis

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 212
FY 2009 Pending Request: $90,621,000
Proposed Amendment: -$500,000
Revised Request: $90,121,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$90,621,000'' and substitute $90,121,000.)
    This amendment would reduce the pending request for the 
Economic and Statistical Analysis, Salaries and Expenses 
account by $0.5 million. The FY 2009 Budget proposed an 
inflation adjustment for this account. This amendment would 
slightly reduce this adjustment for lower priority activities.
    The $0.5 million decrease would partially offset the 
proposed increases described in the accompanying amendments. 
Taken together with other proposals in this transmittal, the 
budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

                   International Trade Administration


FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 213
FY 2009 Pending Request: $429,870,000
Proposed Amendment: -$3,175,000
Revised Request: $426,695,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$429,870,000'' and substitute $426,695,000.)
    This amendment would reduce the pending request for the 
International Trade Administration, Operations and 
Administration account by $3 million. The FY 2009 Budget 
proposed an inflation adjustment for this account. This 
amendment would slightly reduce this adjustment for lower 
priority activities.
    The $3 million decrease would partially offset the proposed 
increases described in the accompanying amendments. Taken 
together with other proposals in this transmittal, the budget 
authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

                    Bureau of Industry and Security


FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 215
FY 2009 Pending Request: $83,676,000
Proposed Amendment: -$500,000
Revised Request: $83,176,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$83,676,000'' and substitute $83,176,000.)
    This amendment would reduce the pending request for the 
Bureau of Industry and Security, Operations and Administration 
account by $0.5 million. The FY 2009 Budget proposed an 
inflation adjustment for this account. This amendment would 
slightly reduce this adjustment for lower priority activities.
    The $0.5 million decrease would partially offset the 
proposed increases described in the accompanying amendments. 
Taken together with other proposals in this transmittal, the 
budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

                  Minority Business Development Agency


FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 216
FY 2009 Pending Request: $29,000,000
Proposed Amendment: -$377,000
Revised Request: $28,623,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$29,000,000'' and substitute $28,623,000.)
    This amendment would reduce the pending request for the 
Minority Business Development account by $0.4 million. The FY 
2009 Budget proposed an inflation adjustment for this account 
and the amendment would eliminate this adjustment through 
reductions to lower priority activities.
    The $0.4 million decrease would partially offset the 
proposed increases described in the accompanying amendments. 
Taken together with other proposals in this transmittal, the 
budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

            National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


FY 2009 Budget Appendix Pages: 216-217
FY 2009 Pending Request: $2,831,253,000
Proposed Amendment: -$4,000,000
Revised Request: $2,827,253,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$2,831,253,000'' in both the first clause and the 
third proviso and substitute in both places $2,827,253,000; 
delete ``$2,924,253,000'' from the third proviso and substitute 
    This amendment would reduce the pending request for the 
Operations, Research, and Facilities account by $4 million. The 
FY 2009 Budget proposed an inflation adjustment for this 
account and the amendment would reduce by $2 million the 
adjustment for lower priority activities. It would also reduce 
by $2 million program increases for the Open Rivers and 
Atlantic Salmon initiatives.
    The $4 million decrease would partially offset the proposed 
increases described in the accompanying amendments. Taken 
together with other proposals in this transmittal, the budget 
authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

            National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 218
FY 2009 Pending Request: $1,238,660,000
Proposed Amendment: -$9,000,000
Revised Request: $1,229,660,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$1,238,660,000'' and substitute $1,229,660,000.)
    This amendment would reduce the pending request for the 
Procurement, Acquisition, and Construction account by a total 
of $9 million. Funding for construction of the Pacific Regional 
Center would be reduced by $6 million and funding for National 
Estuarine Research Reserves construction would be reduced by $3 
million. Given the need for additional funding for the 2010 
Decennial Census, these facility initiatives are a lower 
    The $9 million decrease would partially offset the proposed 
increases described in the accompanying amendments. Taken 
together with other proposals in this transmittal, the budget 
authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

             National Institute of Standards and Technology


FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 228
FY 2009 Pending Request: $4,000,000
Proposed Amendment: -$2,000,000
Revised Request: $2,000,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$4,000,000'' and substitute $2,000,000.)
    The FY 2009 Budget proposed phasing out Federal support for 
the Manufacturing Extension Program, and this amendment would 
reduce funding for the programs closeout costs by $2 million.
    The $2 million decrease would partially offset the proposed 
increases described in the accompanying amendments. Taken 
together with the other proposals in this transmittal, the 
budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

       National Telecommunications and Information Administration

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 231
FY 2009 Pending Request: $19,218,000
Proposed Amendment: -$773,000
Revised Request: $18,445,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$19,218,000'' and substitute $18,445,000.)
    This amendment would reduce the pending request for the 
National Telecommunications and Information Administration, 
Salaries and Expenses account by $0.8 million. The FY 2009 
Budget proposed an inflation adjustment for this account and 
the amendment would eliminate this adjustment through 
reductions to lower priority activities.
    The $0.8 million decrease would partially offset the 
proposed increases described in the accompanying amendments. 
Taken together with other proposals in this transmittal, the 
budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE


FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 235
FY 2009 Pending Request:
Proposed Amendment: Language
Revised Request: --

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
add the following new section after section 106:)
    Sec. 107. Of the unobligated balances available pursuant to 
section 12034 of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 
(Pub. L. No. 110-234), $70,000,000 is hereby permanently 
    This amendment would reduce anticipated FY 2009 unobligated 
balances of funding provided for payments to commercial and 
recreational members of fishing communities impacted by salmon 
fishery failures in the Pacific Northwest. After the reduction, 
$100 million would still be available for payments, which is 
sufficient given the estimated economic impact of recent 
fisheries disaster declarations for the area.
    The $70 million decrease would partially offset the 
proposed increases described in the accompanying amendments. 
Taken together with other proposals in this transmittal, the 
budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 

                Administration for Children and Families

                      SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 458
FY 2009 Pending Request: $1,200,000,000
Proposed Amendment: -$260,235,000
Revised Request: $939,765,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$1,200,000,000'' in both the first clause and the 
second proviso and substitute in both places $939,765,000.)
    The Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) is an appropriated 
entitlement, which was funded at $1,700 million in FY 2008. The 
FY 2009 Budget requested $1,200 million for SSBG through a one-
year reduction of $500 million in appropriations language. 
Additionally, the Budget included a permanent elimination of 
authorized funding levels in the out years beyond FY 2009. This 
amendment would permanently reduce the authorized funding level 
for SSBG by an additional $260 million in FY 2009 so that the 
appropriations level would be $940 million. The program's 
minimal requirements maximize State flexibility but, at the 
same time, do not ensure that funded activities are effective. 
This is because SSBG is a funding stream rather than a program 
with measurable performance objectives.
    The $260 million decrease would partially offset the 
proposed increases described in the accompanying amendments. 
Taken together with other proposals in this transmittal, the 
budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 

                  Federal Emergency Management Agency


FY 2009 Budget Appendix Pages: 520-521
FY 2009 Pending Request: $957,405,000
Proposed Amendment: -$989,000
Revised Request: $956,416,000

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$957,405,000'' and substitute $956,416,000.)
    This amendment would reduce the pending request for the 
Operations, Management and Administration account by almost $1 
million by reducing funding for lower priority programs.
    The almost $1 million decrease would partially offset the 
proposed increases described in the accompanying amendments. 
Taken together with other proposals in this transmittal, the 
budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                       DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR

                         Bureau of Reclamation

                      WATER AND RELATED RESOURCES

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 619
FY 2009 Pending Request: --
Proposed Amendment: Language
Revised Request: --

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
add the following new proviso following the last bracket and 
before the period:)
    Provided further, That from unobligated balances made 
available under section 2507 of the Farm Security and Rural 
Investment Act of 2002 (43 U.S.C. Sec. 2211 note). as amended 
by section 2807 of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 
2008 (Pub. L. No. 110-234), for Desert Terminal Lakes, 
$175,000,000 are hereby permanently cancelled
    This amendment would reduce funding by $175 million in the 
Department of the Interior's Bureau of Reclamation for the 
restoration of Desert Terminal Lakes in Nevada. This funding 
was made available by the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 
2008. This funding is a low priority, is more than the 
Department can effectively spend to restore the lakes, and 
could result in significant unobligated balances. Furthermore, 
no funding was requested in the FY 2009 Budget for this 
activity. Funding was first provided for this activity by the 
Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002, in the amount 
of $200 million. Since 2002, some of this funding has been 
directed toward tangentially related activities and some 
funding has been directed toward unrelated actions.
    The $175 million decrease would partially offset the 
proposed increases described in the accompanying amendments. 
Taken together with other proposals in this transmittal, the 
budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                          DEPARTMENT OF LABOR

                  Employment Standards Administration

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 747
FY 2009 Pending Request: --
Proposed Amendment: Language
Revised Request: --

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$30,000,000'' from the second paragraph and substitute 
    This amendment would reduce the pending request for the 
Employment Standards Administration, Salaries and Expenses 
account by $80 million. The FY 2008 appropriation temporarily 
rescinded $102 million from this account. These funds will 
become available for obligation again in FY 2009. This proposal 
would cancel a portion of these funds.
    The $80 million decrease would partially offset the 
proposed increases described in the accompanying amendments. 
Taken together with other proposals in this transmittal, the 
budget authority requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be 
                       DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY

                          Departmental Offices

                        TREASURY FORFEITURE FUND

FY 2009 Budget Appendix Page: 942
FY 2009 Pending Request: --
Proposed Amendment: Language
Revised Request: --

    (Under the above heading, insert the following:)
    Of the unobligated balances available under this heading, 
$30,000,000 are hereby permanently cancelled.
    This amendment would cancel $30 million of the unobligated 
balances in the Treasury Forfeiture Fund. The Fund has 
historically used its remaining unobligated balances to fund 
additional law enforcement investments.
    This decrease would partially offset the proposed increases 
described in the accompanying amendments. Taken together with 
other proposals in this transmittal, the budget authority 
requested in the FY 2009 Budget would not be affected.
