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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation of the 2007 Annual Meeting of AHRQ

Outcome Measures

Text Description is below the image.


Measurement Focus Measures
Clinical Outcomes
ED Encounters
ED encounters per 1000 pt years
Hospitalizations per 1000 pt years
Primary care encounters per 1000 pt years
HgbA1c levels
Care Quality
Preventive Services
Chronic Disease Management for Asthma & Diabetes
HEDIS scores for mammograms, Pap smears, Chlamydia screening
HEDIS scores for asthma staging, recording action plans, prescribing inhaled corticosteroids
HEDIS scores for performing glycated hemoglobin, microalbumin, lipid panel, dilate eye exam
HEDIS scores for well child visits
AHRQ PQI for asthma
AHRQ PQI for uncontrolled diabetes, short- & long-term complications
Care Coordination
Missed Appointments
F/U Appointments
Missed appointments per 1000 patient years
Rate of f/u after ear infection per 1000 patient years
ED costs
Hospitalization Costs
Costs of HIT interventions including personnel/hardware/software costs
Co-pay costs
Professional fees
Technical fees
Pharmaceutical reimbursement
ED costs
Hospitalization costs
Patient Satisfaction
Patient Quality of Life
Provider Opinions
Patient satisfaction survey
Provider opinion surveys


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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care