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Implementation of The 2002 NAICS And Size Standards
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Effective October 1, 2002, SBA adopted the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) modifications to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) into its table of small business size standards. The new NAICS codes are referred to as NAICS 2002. OMB made certain modifications to NAICS that were effective January 1, 2002. SBA adopted those modifications effective the beginning of the Federal Government's fiscal year 2003.

What changes were made to NAICS?

NAICS 2002 contains a sufficient number of changes so that SBA issued a new table of size standards reflecting the modifications. NAICS 2002 is the same as NAIC 1997 for sixteen of the twenty Sectors. Construction and Wholesale Trade are substantially changed with new industries and all new six digit NAICS codes. There are also revisions that modify a number of Retail classifications as well as the organization of the Information Sector.

Specifically, these revisions are the following:

Construction Construction remains Sector 23, but three new Subsectors replace the current ones. The three new Subsectors are the following:
  • Subsector 236 - Construction of Buildings;
  • Subsector 237 - Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction; and,
  • Subsector 238 - Special Trade Contractors.
Wholesale Trade The Wholesale Trade Sector remains Sector 42, but there are three new Subsectors that replace the current two. These new Subsectors describe the types of wholesaler and capture more accurately the rapidly growing business to business electronic markets developing in the United States. The Subsectors are the following:
  • Subsector 423 - Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods;
  • Subsector 424 - Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods; and
  • Subsector 425 - Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents
Retail Trade Department stores and retail industries without physical store location have additional industry categories.
Information There are now categories related to important new and emerging industries that better distinguish between book publishers, internet publishers and other publishers.

Do size standards change because of NAICS 2002?

Only a few size standards change because of the adoption of NAICS 2002. Please read the direct final rule that SBA published in the Federal Register on August 13, 2002. It discusses all these changes in detail. It is available on SBA's web site at http://www.sba.gov/size/indexwhatsnew.html.

Also, a current table of size standards is available at http.www.sba.gov/size.

Where can I find information about NAICS 2002?

Information on NAICS 2002 is available on the Bureau of the Census web site, http://www.census.gov/epcd/naics02/. It includes useful information, such as the following:

  • Descriptions of any or all of the NAICS industries;
  • Crosswalk tables among the three - NAICS 2002, NAICS 1997 and SIC codes;
  • Keyword search for NAICS codes; and
  • General information about NAICS 2002.

How can I purchase a NAICS 2002 manual?

You can obtain them from the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service (NTIS) at http://www.ntis.gov/products/naics.aspx.

For additional information on NAICS 2002 and size standards, please contact the Office of Size Standards at (202) 205 6618 or sizestandards@sba.gov