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Ferric Oxide/Alkali Metal Oxide Induced Oxidation of CHCs in Polluted Gas Streams

EPA Grant Number: R827719
Title: Ferric Oxide/Alkali Metal Oxide Induced Oxidation of CHCs in Polluted Gas Streams
Investigators: Dellinger, Barry
Current Investigators: Dellinger, Barry , Lomnicki, Slawomir
Institution: Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
EPA Project Officer: Shapiro, Paul
Project Period: September 1, 1999 through August 31, 2002
Project Amount: $358,396
RFA: Exploratory Research - Environmental Engineering (1999)
Research Category: Engineering and Environmental Chemistry


With the more stringent MACT standards for control of toxic air pollutants and VOCs, there is an ever increasing emphasis on developing higher efficiency, more cost effective control technologies. Carbon absorption and noble metal catalysts systems have been frequently employed but suffer from several important problems. Noble metal catalysts are costly, subject to fouling, and are not very effective on chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs), while carbon absorption only transfers the pollution burden to a new medium. We have recently begun to study ferric oxide/alkali metal oxide based catalysis systems and generated initial data that indicates they can be effectively used to destroy CHCs and hydrocarbons with efficiencies of >99% at temperatures of 400 to 500?C. Preliminary data indicates that no organic by-products are produced and HCl/Cl2 can be captured by the alkali metal oxide component of the support. We propose to determine the mechanism of activity of this system and determine its utility as a practical control technology for CHCs in polluted gas-streams. Our research objectives include:

  1. Determination of the range of applicability of the catalytic system to CHCs (and selected hydrocarbons) of varying molecular weight and electronic structure.

  2. Examine the nature of the interaction of the pollutant with the surface and through observation of stable reaction products and intermediates, and develop a mechanistic and reaction kinetic model for the catalytic destruction of CHCs.

  3. Vary the catalyst/support composition and manufacturing technique to arrive at an optimized formulation.

  4. Using reaction kinetic and performance models along with selected key experiments, devise a conceptual design for a working practical system.


We will utilize a specially designed and constructed gas-solid reactor equipped with an in-line GC-MS analytical system to evaluate the performance of the catalyst. Resonance Raman, XPS, and reflectance FTIR will be used to probe the catalyst surface for reaction intermediates to discern mechanistic information. Surface CHEMKIN reaction kinetic and reactor performance models will be employed to model the performance of the catalyst system and scale it to a practical, working system. CHCs and hydrocarbons of varying molecular structure will be used as test materials to determine the mechanism of reaction and the scope of applicability.

Expected Results:

If successful, we will have developed a catalytic system that is efficient for normally recalcitrant CHCs as well as hydrocarbons that is also low cost and robust. It could be applied to numerous industrial effluent streams, including CHC manufacturing wastes, as well as combustion systems where control of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/F) is of concern.

Publications and Presentations:

Publications have been submitted on this project: View all 9 publications for this project

Journal Articles:

Journal Articles have been submitted on this project: View all 4 journal articles for this project

Supplemental Keywords:

air, atmosphere, adsorption, absorption, exposure, carcinogen, mutagen, chemicals, toxics, particulates, PAHs, Dioxin, nitrogen oxides, pollution prevention, waste reduction, incineration, environmental chemistry, engineering, ecology, industry. , Toxics, Air, Scientific Discipline, RFA, Engineering, Chemistry, & Physics, HAPS, Ecological Risk Assessment, Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Engineering, particulate matter, Environmental Chemistry, pollution dispersion models, chlorinated hydrocarbons, hydrocarbon, Fourier Transform Infrared measurement, MACT standards, particulates, emission control technologies, cost effective, ferric oxide, chemical transport modeling, toxic contaminants, pollutant transport, catalytic oxidation

Progress and Final Reports:
2000 Progress Report
2001 Progress Report
Final Report

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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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