Section 18, Part A - Trips and Vacations - Screening Questions

Section 18, Part A is used to determine whether the consumer unit has taken any trips during the reference period, or to follow up on previously reported trips. Specific questions in this section are used to distinguish between trip expenses paid by the consumer unit and those paid by someone else. Only expenses paid by the consumer unit are included in CE Survey estimates.

Now I'm going to ask about trips and vacations.

Since the first of reference month have you or any members of your CU taken any trips entirely paid for by anyone outside your CU, such as a business, employer, or relative?

How many trips entirely paid for by someone outside of your CU did you have? [enter value] _____________________

Even on trips entirely paid for by someone outside of your CU there are sometimes miscellaneous expenses which are not paid for.
Did you or your CU have any expenses on this trip/these trips that will not be covered by a business, employer or other non-CU member?

Did these expenses include anything for...

... Food and beverages?

Did these expenses include anything for...


Did these expenses include anything for...


Did these expenses include...

...Anything else?

* Specify: [enter text] _____________________

What was the total amount of these expenses? [enter value] _____________________

Please choose from one of the following:

Last interview you reported trip/trips which had not yet ended.
I'd like to ask about that trip/those trips now.

In what month did your trip to "fill in destination" end?

Give month [enter text] _____________________

Did a business, employer, or any other non-CU member pay any of the costs for this trip?

Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your CU taken any trips for reasons such as:

* Visiting relatives or friends?
* Business?
* Recreational trips?
* Other trips overnight or longer?
* Day trips of at least 75 miles away from home?

For definitions Information Booklet »

Where did you or your CU go? [enter text] _____________________

* Type state abbreviation for a U.S. destination or X for foreign country destination

* Select the country or region.

In what month did this trip end?

Give month [enter text] _____________________

Did you take more than one trip to "describe the place" in the "month provided above"?

How many times did you go to "the place described above" in "month provided above"? [enter value] _____________________

Were any of the expenses for this trip/these trips paid for by anyone outside of your CU?

Since the first of the reference month, have you taken any other trips for reasons such as:

* Visiting relatives or friends?
* Business?
* Recreational trips?
* Other trips overnight or longer?
* Day trips of at least 75 miles away from home?

For definitions Information Booklet »

End of Section 18A

Go to Section 18 Part BC - Trips and Vacations - Detailed Questions »

Go to Section 18 Part E - Trips and Vacations - Trip Expenses for Non-CU Members »

Go to Section 19 Part A - Miscellaneous Expenses - Miscellaneous Expenses »

Go to CE CAPI Survey Instrument Home Page »


Last Modified Date: September 19, 2008