Welcome to CAL FIRE

The CAL FIRE Mission

The Department of Forestry and Fire Protection serves and safeguards the people and protects the property and resources of California.

Click here to view the complete CAL FIRE mission statement poster.


Fire Information

Fire Information

Fire Information

When CAL FIRE responds to a major incident the Department will create a web site.  Major emergency incidents could include large, extended-day fires, floods, earthquakes, hazardous material spills, etc. More...

Hot Topics

Change Your Clock - Change Your Battery

Change Your Clock - Change Your Battery

CAL FIRE is reminding Californians that when turning their clocks back this Sunday night in observance of Daylight Saving Time, they should also replace the batteries in all smoke alarms. Smoke alarms play a vital role in reducing deaths and injuries from fire. The minimal effort of changing the batteries twice a year could mean the difference between life and death. More...

Debris Burning Safety and Burn Permit Information

Debris Burning Safety and Burn Permit Information

During certain times of the year, when fire danger is low, residential debris burning of dead vegetation can be done in a safe manner. Hhomeowners should always check with their local CAL FIRE station and local air quality management agency before burning. More...

Good landscaping - 100 Feet Defensible Space

Make your Home Safe with 100 Feet Defensible Space

Proper clearance to 100 feet dramatically increases the chance of your house surviving a wildfire. This defensible space also provides for firefighter safety when protecting homes during a wildland fire. More...

Living and Building in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)

Living and Building in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)

Recently adopted building codes and standards reduce the risk of burning embers igniting buildings. Codes already in effect place standards on roofing construction and attic venting. The new building codes require siding, exterior doors, decking, windows, eaves wall vents, and enclosed overhanging decks to meet new test standards. More...

California-Nevada Tahoe Basin Fire Commission

California-Nevada Tahoe Basin Fire Commission

The California-Nevada Tahoe Basin Fire Commission represent each State's stake in the responsible management of lands and fire fuels within the Tahoe Basin.  The Commission will perform a comprehensive review of the laws, policies and practices that affect the vulnerability of the Tahoe Basin to wildfires. It will also study and consider various user-friendly approaches to reducing the threat of wildfires while protecting the environment. More...

California Climate Action Team

California Climate Action Team

The Secretary of CalEPA will lead a Climate Action Team made up of representatives from many different agencies to implement global warming emission reduction programs and report on the progress made toward meeting the statewide greenhouse gas targets that were established in the executive order. More...

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