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DOT Digest: FRA Issues Final Rule for Rail Relocation and Improvement Grant Program

Contact: Steve Kulm
Telephone: (202) 493-6024

Friday, July 11, 2008 (Washington, D.C)

News Digest

FRA Issues Final Rule for Rail Relocation and Improvement Grant Program
The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has issued a Final Rule detailing the eligibility requirements and selection criteria for capital grants under the Rail Line Relocation and Improvement program created in the SAFETEA-LU legislation. In order to be eligible for grant funding, a project must mitigate the adverse effects of rail traffic on safety, motor vehicle traffic flow, community quality of life or involve a lateral or vertical relocation of any portion of the rail line. Under the law, half of all grant funds are reserved for projects costing no more than $20 million each. A state or other eligible entity will be required to pay at least 10 percent of the shared costs of the project. Congress appropriated $20,040,200 for this program for FY2008 with $5,240,000 directed to nine (9) non-competitive projects. FRA intends to issue a Notice of Funding Availability later this year following which applications will be accepted for a competitive selection process for the remaining program funds. Click here for a copy of the Final Rule. Contact Steve Kulm: (202) 493-6024.


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