March for peace in Chicora-Cherokee Last week, the children at Chicora elementary listened to gunfire outside their windows, then a man went down, his life quickly ebbing away. read more...
Detective arrested on misconduct charges On Thursday, SLED arrested a nine-year veteran of the Charleston County sheriff's office, accusing him of giving false information. read more... Dickerson sentenced to death For the first time in 13 years, a Charleston County jury decided a defendant's crime was horrible enough for a death sentence. read more...

SRS needs ongoing scrutiny The Savannah River Site has been given an important new mission that could be even more meaningful with the inevitable push for more nuclear-generated power.
Burger Mug Last of the ship's chandlers There was a time when seafaring captains could walk the ...
Hicks Mug Fear and loathing in budgets It's not the most ideal job in the world. You ...
Peper Mug Cell phones in the schools Warren Peper asks people about banning cell phones in schools.
The Daily Briefing  photo Sanford will address budget concerns
First thing next week, Gov. Mark Sanford will ... ...

Tiger Tracks  photo Clemson enjoys refrigerator-worthy APR report card
Report shows CU athletics are in good acadmeic ... ...

Stingrays  photo Rays win Game 6; advance to American Conference final
Schedule announced for American Conference final ...

The Bryce Is Write  photo FF
I was going to try to come up ... ...

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Rockin' on the Point and The Shemdig will keep Lowcountry fans happy through summer.
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