United States Congress


Senate Special Committee on Aging
Committee Hearings, 110th Congress

  • S. Hrg. 110-56 -- Medicare Part D: Is It Working for Low-Income Seniors?, January 31, 2007     TEXT 152K    PDF 8M

  • S. Hrg. 110-68 -- The Aging Workforce: What Does It Mean for Businesses and the Economy?, February 28, 2007     TEXT 101K    PDF 9M

  • S. Hrg. 110-82 -- Preserving Seniorcare: Affordable Drug Coverage that Works for Wisconsin, March 28, 2007     TEXT 74K    PDF 1.4M

  • S. Hrg. 110-128 -- Boomers and the Budget: What Does it Mean for America's Seniors?, February 15, 2007     TEXT 85K    PDF 1.9M

  • S. Hrg. 110-129 -- Bioidentical Hormones: Sound Science or Bad Medicine, April 19, 2007     TEXT 119K    PDF 4.7M

  • S. Hrg. 110-173 -- The Nursing Home Reform Act Turns Twenty: What Has Been Accomplished, and What Challenges Remain?, May 2, 2007    TEXT 133K    PDF 7.9M

  • S. Hrg. 110-180 -- The Future of Medicare: Recognizing the Need for Chronic Care Coordination, May 9, 2007    TEXT 160K    PDF 4.8M

  • S. Hrg. 110-207 -- Medicare Advantage Marketing and Sales: Who Has the Advantage?, May 16, 2007     TEXT 202K    PDF 4M

  • S. Hrg. 110-233 -- Harvest Over the Horizon: The Challenges of Aging in Agriculture, June 21, 2008     TEXT 84K    PDF 1.4M

  • S. Hrg. 110-253 -- Paid to Prescribe? Exploring the Relationship Between Doctors and the Drug Industry, June 27, 2008     TEXT 109K    PDF 7.4M

  • S. Hrg. 110-281 -- Serving Patriots and Heroes: Ensuring Health and Healing for Our Nation's Veterans, July 3, 2008     TEXT 142K    PDF 2M

  • S. Hrg. 110-301 -- Advising Seniors About Their Money: Who Is Qualified -- And Who Is Not?, September 5, 2007     TEXT 192K    PDF 9.1M

  • S. Hrg. 110-308 -- Abuse of Our Elders: How We Can Stop It, July 18, 2007     TEXT 96K    PDF 6M

  • S. Hrg. 110-345 -- Preparing for the Digital Television Transition: Will Seniors Be Left in the Dark?, September 19, 2007     TEXT 116K    PDF 6.1M

  • S. Hrg. 110-346 -- Veteran's Health: Ensuring Care for Our Aging Heroes, October 3, 2007     TEXT 159K    PDF 2.2M

  • S. Hrg. 110-365 -- Hidden 401(K) Fees: How Disclosure can Increase Retirement Security, October 24, 2007     TEXT 79K    PDF 4.3M

  • S. Hrg. 110-398 -- Nursing Home Transparency and Improvement, November 15, 2007     TEXT 147K    PDF 6.7M

  • S. Hrg. 110-419 -- Forced to Flee: Caring for the Elderly Displaced by War, Poverty and Persecution Abroad, December 5, 2007     TEXT 103K    PDF 3.1M

  • S. Hrg. 110-427 -- Reverse Mortgages: Polishing Not Tarnishing the Golden Years, December 12, 2007     TEXT 103K    PDF 1.9M

  • S. Hrg. 110-483 -- Older Voters: Opportunities and Challenges in the 2008 Elections, January 31, 2007     TEXT 90K    PDF 5.4M

  • S. Hrg. 110-532 -- Foreclosure Aftermath: Preying on Senior Homeowners, February 13, 2008     TEXT 94K    PDF 4.7M


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