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Final Report: Community-Scale Biodiesel: An Affordable, Renewable Resource

EPA Grant Number: SU831897
Title: Community-Scale Biodiesel: An Affordable, Renewable Resource
Investigators: Janda, Kathryn , Andreas, Loren , Call, Isabel , Cragel, John , Gunn, Cohn , Holland, Julia , Matlin, Albert , Merrett, Stephen , Yamashita, Lina
Institution: Oberlin College
EPA Project Officer: Nolt-Helms, Cynthia
Project Period: September 30, 2004 through May 30, 2005
Project Amount: $10,000
RFA: P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition for Sustainability Focusing on People, Prosperity, and the Planet (2004)
Research Category: Pollution Prevention/Sustainable Development



In Phase I of our P3 grant, we set out to design, construct, and test a community-scale biodiesel production system that creates affordable, renewable fuel. In addition to these production goals, we also concentrated on reaching four different end-use sectors: off-road vehicles, on-road vehicles, fuel oil for home heating, and backup electricity generation. As we implemented our design, we added two more attributes to our system—mobility and fuel flexibility—to further these initial objectives.

Community-Scale: The main objective of our P3 Phase I project was to show that improvements could be made in biodiesel production by changing the scale at which it is produced and distributed. Large-scale biodiesel manufacturers make more than a million gallons of biodiesel a year, typically use virgin vegetable oil (VVO) feedstock, and sell their biodiesel for about $2.32 per gallon.1 In contrast to these industrial facilities, many individuals in the U.S. have built successful backyard-scale processors for private use. When made with the free feedstock of used vegetable oil (UVO), biodiesel can be produced for fifty-four cents per gallon, excluding labor costs.2

We proposed a “community-scale” processor, which would allow us to combine the best of both existing production scales. Our objective was to provide the kind of fuel quality and legislative compliance achieved by large-scale manufacturers with the economic and environmental benefits of small-scale, locally produced biodiesel. An essential element for Phase I of our work was a cooperative business model. in this participatory model — which we called “Biodiesel Oberlin” (BO) — interested community members and volunteers could contribute to the production process and obtain workshares of the fuel in exchange for their effort. This cooperative relationship helped to resolve sales and licensing issues.

Affordable: We proposed to provide biodiesel at competitive prices, below those of both petrodiesel and virgin vegetable oil biodiesel. In contrast to many alternative fuels, biodiesel can be used in existing infrastructure, so it decreases upiront costs for the consumer. Biodiesel production made from waste oil supports local jobs and recycles a local waste product. Twelve local food service providers agreed to donate their waste oil to the project rather than pay to have it collected. Since our oil supply is free, our processor has lower operational costs than conventional processing plants. Our project benefits the economic prosperity of waste oil producers and biodiesel consumers by reducing costs of waste outputs for one and fuel inputs for the other. Because widespread application of a UVO biodiesel model could represent a potential loss of business for the rendering industry, our Phase II proposal will explore ways in which participation in biodiesel production represents an opportunity for this industry.

Renewable: We proposed to make biodiesel from used vegetable oil using only renewable sources of energy. Our initial design included a bicycle-powered mixer and a Babington burner, which could use biodiesel as a fuel source for heating. Substituting human power for electricity also advanced our participatory education goals and reduced environmental impacts.

Mobile: As we implemented our original design, we discovered that people were more willing to participate in a public event or a fuel workshop if the location was convenient. We decided to bring “power to the people” literally, by putting the processor in a mobile trailer rather than placing it at a fixed location.

Fuel Flexibility: In addition to changing the scale at which the fuel is produced, we also sought to fit the fuel type to its application. Biodiesel can be blended with petrodiesel in any amount for consumers who wish to be cautious in adoption of this new fuel product. Toward this end, where possible we have also advocated the conversion of appropriate vehicles from diesel- only to dual-fuel systems that have the capacity to run on straight vegetable oil.

1 http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/analysispaper/biodiesel/ exit EPA
2 http://www.homepower.com/files/HP93_32.pdf?search =biodiesel%20scott exit EPA

Summary/Accomplishments (Outputs/Outcomes):

Between October 2004 and mid-April 2005, we collected 800 gallons of waste vegetable oil. At any given time, 200 hundred gallons are settling in our filtration tanks. Of the 600 gallons of filtered oil produced to date, 400 gallons were consumed as straight vegetable oil in on-road vehicles. The remaining 200 gallons of filtered oil were turned into biodiesel via our bicycle- powered processor. Test batches of 25 gallons each were produced every Saturday for 8 weeks, starting February 12, 2005, resulting in 200 gallons of 100% biodiesel (commonly called B 100) and approximately 30 gallons of glycerin. The glycerin is biodegradable, and we are investigating opportunities for its use (e.g., students and faculty in the Oberlin College Art Department are currently testing its utility as a soap for brushes).

We had four test users for our biodiesel from February 2005 to date (mid-April 2005). A construction company used 100 gallons of Bl00 in its “Wood Mizer” diesel wood mill and Bobcat® loader. A BO member used 55 gallons ofBIOO in his 1998 VW Jetta for testing and travel. The BO tow vehicle, a Ford F-250 consumed 30 gallons of B100 in local waste oil collection. Finally, 15 gallons of biodiesel were added to approximately 60 gallons of #2 fuel oil to make a B20 biodiesel blend, which was burned in a fuel oil furnace. All attempted test uses were successful, and all test users have asked for additional gallons of biodiesel.


Data show that our fuel is considerably less expensive than conventionally produced biodiesel. To be specific we are capable of supplying biodiesel $1.23 per gallon, which is about half the cost of conventional diesel and biodiesel, even including labor costs. Further, our analysis shows that our design uses less fossil energy than other biodiesel production methods and has accordingly lower environmental impacts. A conservative estimate suggests that on a per gallon basis, used vegetable oil biodiesel made with minimal fossil fuels can offset 110% of the lifecycle energy embodied in a gallon of petrodiesel. Based on these conservative results, we estimate that our efforts to date have displaced 700 gallons of petrodiesel to date. Compared with petroleum diesel, biodiesel increases nitrous oxide levels by 5-10% but releases 78% fewer lifecycle carbon dioxide emissions, and 70% fewer unburned hydrocarbons.

This project improved local air quality, closed a local industrial recycling loop, and made green energy technology available to lower-income users. In addition, it served as an educational tool for students and the community about the benefits of affordable, community-scale, renewable energy production.

Proposed Phase II objectives and strategies:
Through the proposed combination of new initiatives and enhanced, continuing activities, we seek to maximize the benefits of community-scale biodiesel production by expanding our work at the local and regional levels, as well as transferring our processor design to India.

With the $10,000 Phase 1 P3 grant, we designed and built a mobile biodiesel batch processor capable of turning waste vegetable oil into fuel. We approached this problem from a community energy systems perspective, intending to match the scale of fuel production with consumption. The best scale for energy production, as well as the right number and location of power plants, has been a topic of discussion since the 1970s,3 and “distributed generation” has become a well- known term, if not a well-practiced approach. Our work follows this trend of thinking, asserting that in the future energy systems need to become more “agile” as well as more environmentally benign.4 In this proposal, we request further support to expand our community-scale biodiesel processor in three ways.

First, we will expand our work from a local to a regional scale. With the batch processor design and construction completed in Phase I, we have been able to attract the interest of regional business and renewable energy organizations. In meetings with the Lorain County (OH) Chamber of Commerce and Green Energy Ohio (Ohio’s leading non-profit organization dedicated to promoting sustainable energy policy and practices in the state), we have developed a plan to increase the scale of our 70-gallon mobile batch processor to a 1,000-gallon stationary batch processor while maintaining the goal of off-grid energy production. We have discussed this project idea with managers of Ohio Byproducts, a Cleveland-based grease collection company that could implement larger-scale biodiesel production in Lorain County.

Second, we will enhance our existing community-level initiative within the City of Oberlin to better demonstrate the opportunities for producing renewable fuels renewably. Technical enhancements to our existing processor will include implementing an evacuated tube solar thermal system for heating and a photovoltaic system for pumping and lights. Additional development at the community level will include using a bay from a local auto shop to perform diesel to straight-vegetable-oil conversion workshops and serve as a center for alternative fuels.

We also expect to expand public demonstrations of the mobile biodiesel processor at future College (e.g., commencement) and community events (e.g., vintage auto show).

Third, we will transfer the model of our local, small—scale, off—the-grid processing system to a developing country. In collaboration with The American College and Lady Doak College in Madurai India, we will pilot our processor as a means of meeting some of the need for renewable, affordable, environmentally friendly fuels in India. As part of our efforts to disseminate the results of our P3 research, we will also demonstrate our enhanced mobile design to some of the many other colleges and universities in Northeast Ohio.

3Lovins. A. 1976. Energy strategy: the road not taken. In Foreign Afjairs:65-96.
4 Clark, W. and T. Bradshaw. 2004. “Agile Energy Systems” Elsevier: London.

Journal Articles:

No journal articles submitted with this report: View all 2 publications for this project

Supplemental Keywords:

biodiesel, community-scale, vegetable oil, food service industry, alternative fuels, Midwest, participatory education, , INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, TREATMENT/CONTROL, Sustainable Industry/Business, Scientific Discipline, RFA, POLLUTION PREVENTION, Technology for Sustainable Environment, Sustainable Environment, Technology, Energy, Chemicals Management, Environmental Engineering, cleaner production/pollution prevention, Environmental Chemistry, energy conservation, biofuel, transportation technology, green chemistry, biodiesel fuel, biotechnology, alternative to petroleum diesel fuel, alternative energy source, renewable energy, alternative fuel, energy efficiency, emission controls, ethanol, waste to fuel conversion, environmentally benign alternative, renewable fuel production
Relevant Websites:

http://www.oberlin.edulstuorg/biodiese exit EPA
http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/analysispaper/biodiesel/ exit EPA
http://www.homepower.com/files/HP93_32.pdf?search =biodiesel%20scott exit EPA

Progress and Final Reports:
Original Abstract

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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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