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2002 Archive of Eruption Updates

4-15 Jan. 2002 Kamoamoa entry, the 2300-foot hornito, and south side of Pu`u `O`o.
17, 25, and 31 Jan. 2002 Rootless shields and bizarre hornitos.
Feb. 2002 Hornitos, rootless shields, and `a`a flow.
1, 8, 13, and 15 Mar. 2002 Rootless shields, Pu`u `O`o's crater, and hornito.
21, 28, and 29 Mar. 2002 Hornitos, spatter cones, crustal overturning on lava lake.
April 2002 Eruptive activity in Pu`u `O`o's crater and Puka Nui area
1, 2, 7, and 9 May 2002 Eruptive activity in Pu`u `O`o's crater and Boundary and HALP flows
15, 21, 23, 27, 28, 30, 31 May 2002 Eruptive activity in Mother's Day and HALP flows
1, 2, 5, 8 June 2002 Further developments in the Mother's Day and HALP flows
11 to 30 June 2002 Mostly Mother's Day flow below Paliuli, but a few images of HALP flow and crater floor
3 to 16 July 2002 Mostly Mother's Day flow below Paliuli, but a few images of crater floor
19 to 31 July 2002 Mother's Day ocean entries and neighboring scenes
1 to 8 August 2002 Views of Mother's Day flow, mainly on coastal flat
9 to 17 August 2002 Views of Mother's Day flow, mostly at Highcastle entry
19 to 25 August 2002 Highcastle Stairs entry and other views of Mother's Day flow
2 to 13 September 2002 Mother's Day flow on coastal flat and at ocean
15 to 23 September 2002 Mostly ocean entries, especially in Highcastle area
26 to 29 September 2002 Middle Highcastle (later named West Highcastle) lava delta
October 2002 Mother's Day flow, particularly at coast
3-15 November 2002 Breakouts and more breakouts
19-29 November 2002 New entry at Lae`apuki
6-18 December 2002 Mostly coastal activity
19-31 December 2002 Ocean entries and lava deltas

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Updated: 7 April 2003 (DAS)