Clean Energy and Climate Change | Region 10 | US EPA

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Clean Energy and Climate Change

2008 - 2011 Strategy

Climate change poses a serious challenge to the people of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska and their environment, threatening to erode environmental progress achieved over the past several decades, and contributing to the emergence of new problems. An integrated strategy for clean energy and climate change represents an important opportunity to address these significant areas of concern for EPA Region 10 and its four member states and 271 federally recognized tribes. Together, we enjoy distinct advantages to meeting the challenge of reducing our region’s “carbon footprint,” such as benefiting from hydropower as a major clean energy source. However, we also face challenges that are unique to our region, such as the greater driving distances that contribute to the increasing amount of GHG emissions from the transportation sector, which also has a proportionately larger share (37%) of our region’s GHG emissions than it is nationally (28%).

Also, while we only account for approximate 3.5% of the nation’s total CO2 eq. emissions from all sources, our region’s states and tribes are among the first to experience the impacts of climate change. For example, several Native villages in Alaska area already in the process of relocating to new inland sites because, with the rapid melting of buffering sea ice, their houses are already being washed away by stronger storm surges that reach further up the coastal cliffs. In the Pacific Northwest, water utility managers are struggling to identify new sources of drinking water and irrigation water, since with decreased snowfall in the wintertime, the supply of freshwater from melting snowpack will not last as long in the summer months.

The Region 10 Climate Change strategy addresses the link between energy production and climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and impacts from climate change in the Region 10 states (AK, ID, OR, WA) and Tribal lands.

Strategy Components

Download the Strategy (PDF) (14pp, 91K, about PDF)

Develop and implement a regional approach to addressing climate change

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Participate in the West Coast Collaborative to Reduce Diesel Emissions

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Continue to integrate permitting efficiencies with environmental standards in oil and gas exploration, development, and production in Alaska

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Keep Current in Changing Times

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