Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - Code of Federal Regulations - 30 CFR 46.4
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MSHA - Title 30 CFR
30 CFR § 46.4

Training plan implementation.

(a) You must ensure that each program, course of instruction, or training session is:
    (1) Conducted in accordance with the written training plan;
    (2) Presented by a competent person; and
    (3) Presented in language understood by the miners who are receiving the training.
(b) You may conduct your own training programs or may arrange for training to be conducted by: state or federal agencies; associations of production-operators or independent contractors; miners' representatives; consultants; manufacturers' representatives; private associations; educational institutions; or other training providers.

(c) You may substitute, as applicable, health and safety training required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), or other federal or state agencies to meet requirements under this part. This training must be relevant to training subjects required in this part. You must document the training in accordance with § 46.9 of this part.

(d) Training methods may consist of classroom instruction, instruction at the mine, interactive computer-based instruction or other innovative training methods, alternative training technologies, or any combination of training methods.

(e) Employee health and safety meetings, including informal health and safety talks and instruction, may be credited under this part toward either new miner training, newly hired experienced miner training, or annual refresher training requirements, as appropriate, provided that you document each training session in accordance with § 46.9 of this part. In recording the duration of training, you must include only the portion of the session actually spent in training.

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