Footnotes for
Table 5.10. Capital Transfers (Net)

These footnotes correspond to those used for the published tables, which show data in billions of dollars and 2-decimal places, and may not completely apply to the tables in millions of dollars and 3-decimal places. The published tables may be found using the link:

1. Beginning with October 2002, consists of payments to the Uniformed Services Retiree Health Care Fund to amortize the unfunded liability.
2. Consists of forgiveness of debts owed by foreign governments to the U.S. Government, and the December 1999 transfer to the Republic of Panama of the U.S. Government's assets in the Panama Canal Commission.
3. Consists of Federal Government investment grants for highways, transit, air and water transportation, and water treatment plants.
4. Consists of maritime construction subsidies paid by the Federal Government.
5. Consists of immigrants' transfers from the rest of the world, net of emigrants' transfers to the rest of the world.
