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The Federal Railroad Administration Train passing pines with mountain peaks in the


Over the past two decades, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has sponsored several studies regarding the reflectorization of rail cars. In 1982, the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center conducted a study to determine if retroreflective materials were a feasible option to enhance freight car visibility and, thereby, reduce the number of highway-rail grade crossing accidents. The study concluded that, although the use of reflectors enhanced conspicuity (i.e., visibility), the reflective material was not durable enough to withstand the harsh railroad environment. Since 1982, technical advancements have been achieved in the brightness, durability, and adhesive properties of reflective material. Because of these advances, FRA funded renewed research through the Volpe Center to re-examine this issue. In July 1999, FRA announced the results of its renewed research efforts with the release of a report on freight car reflectorization. The results of this research suggest that microprismatic retroreflective material can help in the recognition of freight cars.

Reflectors on the sides of rail cars make trains more visible to motorists. Currently, there are no requirements for lighting or reflective markings on freight cars. Reflective tape increases the conspicuity of freight cars so motorists can identify them and better judge their speed and distance. This greater visibility will help drivers avoid some accidents and reduce the severity of other accidents that are unavoidable.

Summary of NPRM

On November 6, 2003, FRA published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal Register requiring retroreflective material on the sides of freight rolling stock (freight cars and locomotives) to enhance the visibility of trains. This material will aid in reducing the number of accidents at highway-rail grade crossings in which train visibility is a contributing factor.

The NPRM proposed a schedule for applying the retroreflective material and standards for the application, inspection, and maintenance of the material. FRA held a public hearing on the proposed rule on January 27, 2004, and is currently reviewing the comments received. A copy of the proposed rule, as well as other information relevant to the issue of rail car reflectorization (including copies of many technical reports, the FRA’s cost-benefit analysis, and comments submitted by the public and the regulated community) can be found in the public docket established for this rulemaking proceeding (Docket No. FRA-1999-6689). The docket may be accessed at any time through the Department of Transportation’s Federal Docket Management System (FDMS) website at Alternatively, docket documents may be viewed in person by visiting the west building room W12-140 of the Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal Holidays.

Contact - Tom Blankenship

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Federal Railroad Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590