Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
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Table B-3. Review of FMCSA R&T Program

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Investment Criterion Program Evidence
Relevance •   Research supports both FMCSA and DOT safety goals.
•   Customers and stakeholders are involved in developing and updating the FMCSA 5-Year R&T Strategic Plan.
•   Program managers work closely with committees and research boards, including the TRB and the Association of American State Highway and Transportation Officials.
•   An intermodal management council sets priorities for ITS activities.
•   Several research projects are carried out in partnership with industry.
Quality •   Annual stakeholder forums afford customer review of research quality.
•   Expert panels review selected research projects.
•   Research is peer-reviewed internally and assessed at the program level.
•   All procurements specify that support for FMCSA goals is a requirement.
Performance •   Performance is linked to FMCSA and DOT goals and documented annually in the Department's performance plan.
•   Quantitative indicators include the number of studies developed, papers presented, and technologies under evaluation.
•   Cost-benefit analyses assess the performance of the ITS elements of the program.