Handicap symbol over blue graphic suggesting motion

Emergency Preparedness for Individuals with Disabilities

Fact Sheet: Safety Personnels’ Role and Responsibilities

Emergency Vehicle with Flashing lights

This fact sheet highlights the role and responsibilities of safety personnel in assisting individuals with disabilities during an emergency. The Safety Personnel consists of security, emergency wardens, and emergency crew members such as police, ambulance, and firefighters.

The definition of disability under extreme circumstances is not restricted to traditional legal terms, and it may include people such as the elderly, pregnant women, or any individual that would need assistance in an emergency. Thus, their requests are to be respected.


    o Undertake risk analysis of scenarios that would consist of providing assistance to individuals with disabilities.
    o Conduct employee training and perform simulations to enhance emergency preparations.
    o Assist the emergency crews in resolving the crisis.


         Emergency Preparedness -
    - The safety personnel will be made aware of the needs of individuals in order to ensure that the equipment needed is available in an emergency.
    - The safety personnel will receive training on the specialized equipment that might be used in an emergency such as evacuation chairs. Additionally, the safety personnel might also train individuals with disabilities in using specialized equipment.
    - The safety personnel shall establish alternative methods of evacuating or protecting the persons with disabilities if the emergency elevators are not available.
    - The safety personnel shall ensure that all escape routes are not blocked at all times.
    - The safety personnel shall have a confidential list of individuals with disabilities and their needs during emergencies only. This list consists of the employee's office location, phone number, and the nature of that employee's needs.
         During an Emergency -
    - The safety personnel will direct the individuals with disabilities to fastest and safest exits, escape routes, and accessible paths out of the building.

WHAT the Safety Personnel shall NOT Do:

    - The safety personnel cannot deny access to an elevator during an emergency on the basis of lack of obvious/visible disability.

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact the Department of Civil Rights Office at 202-366-5714.

Logo. Department of Transportation, United States of America