U.S. Imports of Select Downstream Steel Products
Steel wire garment hangers (Thousands of Units)
Quantities in Thousands of Units
Same Table - US Dollars

Same Table - Average Unit Value

Country Month
  JUN07 JUL07 AUG07 SEP07 OCT07 NOV07 DEC07 JAN08 FEB08 MAR08 APR08 MAY08 JUN08 JUL08 AUG08
WORLD 277,129 307,526 261,197 228,995 243,325 226,827 283,814 287,004 210,801 230,642 193,377 282,538 246,994 270,117 193,244
CHINA 248,442 276,153 229,855 205,112 211,033 194,540 259,483 254,451 175,713 196,190 157,070 243,129 204,723 220,543 144,074
MEXICO 27,693 31,002 31,092 23,235 30,378 31,570 23,673 31,034 34,327 32,494 35,530 37,362 38,716 39,471 39,919
VIETNAM . . . . . . . . 583.8 . . 1,465 2,721 6,891 5,180
KOREA 0.14 . . . 1,204 . 0.28 0.23 0.17 525.4 . 0.20 . 1,352 1,200
CANADA 760.8 368.6 245.5 526.5 613.0 544.6 87.77 682.1 140.9 368.6 732.7 577.6 600.1 933.6 249.6
TAIWAN 233.0 . 2.10 111.2 25.00 159.8 . 128.7 20.32 5.00 . . . 363.5 1,418
HONG KONG . 1.20 . 10.50 72.00 13.05 . 72.00 16.00 622.0 27.83 . . 13.52 1,204
JAPAN . . . . . . 569.4 . . . 15.19 . 144.0 458.1 .
SWEDEN . . . . . . 0.68 . . . . . 90.00 90.00 .
INDIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.72 .
FRANCE . . . . . . . . 0.02 . . . 0.04 0.01 .
SPAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.03 0.01 .
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC . . 1.50 . . . . . . . . . . . .
EGYPT . . . . . . . 0.96 . . . . . . .
GREECE . . . . . . . . . . . 0.07 . . .
ITALY . . . . . . . . 0.00 437.9 1.43 0.65 . . .
KENYA . 0.60 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MOROCCO . . 0.74 . . . . . . . . . . . .
SWITZERLAND . . . . . . . 620.3 . . . . . . .
UNITED KINGDOM . . . . . . . 15.00 . . . 3.36 . . .

SOURCE: US Department of Commerce, Import Administration
Table last modified on: October 15, 2008, with
Census data collected through August 2008
Data listed in order of descending volume exported during last THREE months reported
Link to Annual Summary of Select Downstream Imports

Link to Monthly Display of Select Downstream Exports

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