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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the hours of the registration/information desk?

The registration/information desk will be open from 12:00pm-6:00pm on Wednesday, October 31, from 7:00am-5:00pm on Thursday, November 1 and from 7:00am-5:00pm on Friday, November 2.

Where will the registration/information desk be located?

The registration/information desk will be located on the Independence level past the ballroom.

What are rules regarding badges?

Name badges must be worn at all times and must be visible. Your name badge serves as your entrance into all events. If your name badge is not visible, conference staff or room monitors may ask to see it before allowing you into conference events.

Will an attendee list be available at the beginning of the conference?

Yes, an attendee list will be provided as part of your conference material. Anyone who registers prior to September 28 will be included on the attendee list, except for those who opt out on the registration form.

How can I keep track of conference events?

When you register at the event, you will be given an Update pocket agenda with the program schedule and room locations. Additionally, signage will be available throughout both levels of the conference area with program information and room locations.

What is the seating policy for the plenary and breakout sessions?

The plenary sessions will take place in the Ballroom and can accommodate all registrants. Attendees are asked to take a seat rather than stand at the back.

For the breakout sessions, it is first come, first served. Once the session room is full with seated attendees, the session will be closed to additional attendees. No standing at the back is permitted.

Why did I have to indicate which breakout sessions I plan to attend when I registered on-line?

We ask for this information to determine the expected level of attendance at each session to ensure adequate seating in breakout rooms. It does not guarantee you a seat or require you to adhere to the schedule of sessions in which you identified interest. Seating in breakout sessions is first come, first served.

What events and activities are taking place Wednesday, October 31?

Registration is open from noon - 6:00pm. The Exhibit Hall is open from 1:00pm-7:00pm, the BIS Meet and Greet is open from 1:00pm - 5:00pm, a reception and raffle will take place from 5:00pm - 7:00pm in the Exhibit Hall. An Export Compliance Pavilion and a SNAP Redesign Innovations: User Group Sign-Up, Demonstrations and Hands-On Training will take place from 1:00pm - 5:00pm. We encourage you to register and obtain your conference materials anytime between 12:00pm - 6:00pm on Wednesday as registration lines are expected to be longer on the morning of Thursday, November 1.

What meals will be provided at the events?

Breakfast and lunch will be provided on both Thursday, November 1 and Friday, November 2. Light hor d’oeuvres are included in the Exhibit Hall reception on Wednesday, October 31. Hor d’oeuvres and a la carte entrees are part of the Gala Reception on Thursday, November 1.

What networking events are available?

Networking opportunities include the Exhibit Hall and BIS Meet and Greet from 1:00pm - 5:00pm and the Exhibitor Reception from 5:00pm - 7:00pm on Wednesday, October 31, the Gala Reception from 5:30pm - 8:30pm on Thursday, November 1, and the Breakfast Rountables with BIS Licensing and Enforcement Staff from 7:30am - 9:15am on Friday, November 2.

What is the Breakfast Roundtable with BIS Licensing and Enforcement Staff?

BIS licensing and enforcement staff will be available for you to meet during breakfast on the morning of November 2. There will be three 30 minute sessions - from 7:30am - 8:00am, 8:05am - 8:35am, and 8:40am - 9:10am. You may take part in all sessions, but to provide ample opportunity to network, you will be required to select a different table for each session. There will be a guide in your program material which identifies the BIS staff member and area of expertise as well as the table where you will find each person. The tables will be numbered. This event is first come, first served.

How do I find my way to conference events?

Conference events will take place on both the Constitution and Independence levels of the hotel (below the Lagoon level). Your program book will include a diagram of these two levels. Directional signage and program agenda signage identifying room locations will be available on both levels.

Where will the breakout sessions be held?

Breakout sessions will take place on both the Constitution and Independence levels.

Where will the plenaries be held?

The plenaries will take place in the Independence level ballroom.

Where will lunch be held?

Lunch on both November 1-2 will take place in the Independence level ballroom.

Where is the Export Management and Compliance Pavilion?

The Pavilion will be located on the Independence Level.

Where is the SNAP Redesign Innovations: User Group Sign-Up, Demonstrations and Hands-On Training?

The SNAP-R demonstration area will be located on the Independence Level.

Where do I find the exhibitors?

The Exhibit Hall will be on the Constitution level in the ballroom.

What are the hours of the Exhibit Hall?

The exhibit hall will be open from 1:00pm-7:00 pm on Wednesday, October 31 only.

Why are exhibitors only available on October 31?

In order to accommodate more attendees at the conference, BIS had to limit the Exhibit Hall time due to space limitations.

Where do I turn in the evaluation form?

At the end of the conference, please return your evaluation form to the registration/information desk on the Independence Level.

How do I transfer my registration to someone else in my organization?

You may transfer your registration to another member of your organization until October 26 upon email notification to BIS at Updateconference@bis.doc.gov. However, BIS is unable to accommodate requests for changing the payment method or transferring charges to another credit card account.

Do I need to bring my registration confirmation with me?

You registration will be on file at the registration desk, but you should bring your email confirmation with you as it serves as your receipt for the conference.

How do I get a receipt for my Update registration?

Your email confirmation of your registration serves as your receipt.

Can I bring my check payment with me?

Check payments must be received by BIS prior to October 19 or your registration may be cancelled.

Can I purchase additional program materials?

Yes, program material is available for purchase subject to availability. Please see the registration/information desk for details.

Can I bring a guest with me to the Gala Reception?

Yes, gala tickets are available for purchase. Please email BIS at Updateconference@bis.doc.gov or inquire at the registration/information desk.

Can I just attend the Gala Reception?

Yes, gala tickets are available for purchase. Please email BIS at Updateconferece@bis.doc.gov or inquire onsite at the registration/information desk.

What is the dress code at the conference?

The dress code is business casual to all events.

Are CLE credits available?

BIS programs, including Update, are certified by the State Bar of California for CLE credit. Many State Bars will accept credits from programs certified by other State Bars. Thus, if you are an attorney in another state, you may be able to accrue CLE credits by submitting the attendance form to your own State Bar. Please ask at the registration/information desk.

Will program material be made available on a DVD to attendees?

Following the program, materials will be made available electronically either by email or on DVD.

How do I have my conference material shipped back to my office?

The Hotel Business Center is open Monday through Friday 7:30am - 6:00pm and Saturday 8am – Noon.

Will my cell phone work in the conference area?

This depends on your service provider. Cell phones with Verizon Wireless should work in all areas of the hotel. Pay phones are also available on both conference levels.

What is the conference policy on use of cell phones, beepers and pagers?

These devices should be either turned off or set to vibrate. Please step outside the conference rooms into the hallway if using your cell phone.

Does the hotel offer internet access?

High-speed wireless internet access is available for a daily fee and is accessible from a number of locations around the hotel, including guest rooms and many public areas, but not in the conference rooms.


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