Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
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Composite Reinforced Pipe (6)

Criticality: Medium
Progress: Not Addressed
Score: 24
DOT Relevance:

Description of Key Area

Because of hydrogen’s low gravimetric and volumetric density, many hydrogen transport solutions are looking to higher pressures to increase storage/transport densities. Higher pressures lead to increased material needs for pipelines and containers. The ability to use composite reinforcement can mitigate the need for increased material, reducing the cost of hydrogen transportation technologies.

Discussion of Criticality

Composite reinforced pipe technology is being examined for hydrogen transport to address a number of issues related to metallic pipeline materials: embrittlement, welding heat affected zones, reduction in the quantity of pipe joins, etc. While potentially avoiding some of the problems associated with metallic materials, composite pipe technology faces its own hurdles, including lack of design specifications, qualification of joining methods, permeation rates, robustness from external mechanical damage, etc.

Discussion of Progress

A limited number of composite reinforced pipe installations exist but none in hydrogen service. Work is underway at ORNL to examine a number of issues related to development and deployment of composite reinforced pipe for hydrogen service.


When information is made available it will be added to the ASME B31.12 code. At that time, ASME B31.12 may specify a minimum burst to operating pressure ratio for composite piping. Standards for composite reinforced materials for use as hydrogen piping should be established and incorporated by reference into the federal code.