Freight Professional Development Program
photos of truck, cargo ship, airplane, and freight train
Office of Operations - 21st century operations using 21st century technologies


In response to the growing need for freight expertise at the state and MPO level and in support of the goals set forth for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and OneDOT, the FHWA initiated the Freight Professional Development (FPD) Program.

The FPD Program assists state DOTs and MPOs staffs with gaining the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the challenges arising from the increasing flow of freight on the nation's transportation system. Meeting this challenge requires an understanding among the various stakeholders, including transportation professionals, practitioners and policymakers, of not only how freight uses and affects the transportation system but, more importantly, why freight is important.

A description of the need for freight professional development, and what FHWA is doing to meet this need is in an FHWA Office of Operations one-pager on the FPD Program (HTML, PDF - 265KB)

FPD Program Goal

To integrate freight infrastructure and operational improvements in the transportation development process at metropolitan and statewide levels.

FPD Program Objectives

The FPD Program objectives are:

  • Develop an institutional underpinning for freight at the local, state, and corridor levels
  • Foster intermodal approaches to advancing freight productivity and security
  • Engage private sector stakeholders in the project development process
  • Improve freight planning and decision-making at the State and MPO levels

FPD Program Core Elements

The FPD Program consists of four major elements that will be used to reach the target audiences. Each element is crucial to meeting program goals and objectives.

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Office of Operations