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Human Factors


  • Human Factors Literature Reviews on Intersections, Speed Management, Pedestrians and Bicyclists, and Visibility, FHWA-HRT-06-34, July 2006 [PDF 2.12 MB]

  • Driver Attitudes and Behaviors at Intersections and Potential Effectiveness of Engineering Countermeasures, FHWA-HRT-05-158, March 2006. [HTML, PDF 289 KB]

  • An Overview of the 100-Car Naturalistic Study and Findings.  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Paper Number 05-0400. [PDF 288 KB]

  • Task Analysis of Intersection Driving Scenarios: Information Processing Bottlenecks, FHWA-HRT-06-033, August 2006. [HTML, PDF 4.01 MB]
    Report purpose is to identify the information processing bottlenecks that drivers face in specific intersection driving scenarios. These bottlenecks represent situations in which drivers may become overloaded by driving demands, which could result in drivers conducting important driving tasks in improper fashion or skipping certain tasks altogether. Seven distinct driving scenarios were investigated in the task analysis, and each scenario was successively separated into segments, tasks, and subtasks/information processing elements. The scenarios included in the analysis were: (1) left turn on green light, (2) left turn on yellow light, (3) straight on yellow light, (4) straight on green light, (5) right turn on green light, (6) right turn on red light, and (7) stop on red light.

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