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Date:Mon, 25 Sep 2000 13:02:11 -0935 (EST)
From: TInews Announcement <>
To: TInews Announcement <>
Subject: TInews: The Canadians are Back! Canadian Person Visits to the United States - 1999

=== TINEWS ===================================

An information service from Tourism Industries
U.S. International Trade Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce

September 25, 2000

The Canadians are Back!
Canadian Person Visits to the United States - 1999

Contact: Tourism Industries office
Phone: (202) 482-0140, Fax: (202) 482-2887

The Canadians are back! After five years (1992-1998) of experiencing annual declines (with the exception of 1996), in 1999 Canadian person visits to the United States were up 5 percent compared to the previous year, to top 14 million visitors. The growth can be attributed to combined factors of faster growth in real GDP for 1999, record low unemployment rates, and increased consumer confidence.

The top states registering more than half a million Canadian visits were New York, which ranked number one and hosted approximately 2.3 million person visits; Florida and Washington with 1.7 and 1.6 million person visits, respectively; Michigan had 1.2 million person visits; and California reached the one million mark in 1999, up 7 percent compared to 1998. The other states receiving more than half a million Canadians were Nevada, Maine, Pennsylvania and Vermont.

The average national growth rate was five percent (5%). Twenty- two (22) states performed better than the national average, compared to twenty states in 1998. Of these twenty-two (22) states, thirteen had double digit growth in 1999 led by Louisiana, Maryland and New Jersey, with growth rates in person visits of 65 percent, 58 percent and 56 percent respectively.

The national average nights per visit was 7 nights, a decline of 4% from 1998. The states that had an average nights per visit greater than the national average were Florida (19 nights), Arizona (16 nights), Hawaii (12 nights); Texas (8 nights) and California (8 nights). States with double-digit growth in person nights in 1999 were New Mexico (21%), South Carolina (16%), Iowa (11%), and Alaska (10%). These five states alone account for over 50% of all Canadian person nights within the country in 1999.

This information can be found on Tourism Industries web site at: The information piece is called: Canadian Visitation to U.S. Census Regions/States for One or More Nights - 1999.

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Tourism Industries, International Trade Administration U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 2073 Washington, D.C. 20230 (202) 482-0140, fax: (202) 482-2887 e-mail:

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