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TInews Archive #990812194439

Date:Thu, 12 Aug 1999 19:44:39 -0400 (EST)
From: TInews Announcement

=== TINEWS ===================================

An information service from Tourism Industries
U.S. International Trade Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce



Contact: Tourism Industries office
Phone: (202) 482-0140, Fax: (202) 482-2887

The 1998 annual "In-Flight Survey" report on "Overseas Travelers to the United States" is available. The cost for the 1998 report is $650.00. To get further details visit our web site:

TI's In-Flight Survey provides the only in-depth, national, comparable data on overseas travelers to the United States (Overseas excludes Canada and Mexico). The report is a must for those industry professionals that need more detail than the basic information available on our web site. The 1998 annual In-Flight Survey report is based upon almost 41,000 surveys of overseas travelers to the United States.

If you want to know how the international market is changing and who is traveling to this country, the 1998 In-Flight Survey report is the source for this data. From this report and data base, you can obtain estimates of how many international travelers visited certain destinations (states or cities), and you can evaluate the demographic and traveler behavior characteristics of these overseas travelers to the United States to help you understand market trends. The 1998 report has the same format as the 1996-1997 reports.

Report Organization:

There are four (4) sections or sets of cross tabs provided in this report. The first three sets of tabs display information for all of the world regions and some of the primary countries (21 in total). World regions and the primary countries included are: All Overseas, Europe, Western Europe, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Eastern Europe, Asia, Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines, Republic of China (Taiwan), Singapore, South Korea, Oceania, Australia, Middle East, South America, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, Central America, Caribbean, Trinidad & Tobago, Africa, and South Africa.

The fourth section of cross tabs allows comparative segement analyses on the first time and repeat overseas visitors. The rest of the section enables you to compare segments by purpose of trip (business versus leisure and VFR), type of lodging (hotel/motel versus private home), transportation used during their trip (a domestic flights while in the U.S or a rental car) and by type of traveler (package versus independent).

There are 35 tables available in the report. The tables included are:

Table 1: Country of residence for over 50 countries and all world regions
Table 2: Advance Trip Decision Time in Days
Table 3: Advance Airline Reservation Time in Days
Table 4: Means of Booking the Air Trip
Table 5: Information Sources Used to Plan the Trip
Table 6: Use of Package and Attributes of the Package
Table 7: Use of Prepaid Lodging as a part of the Package
Table 8: Advance Package Booking Time
Table 9: Who they Booked their Pre-Booked Lodging Through
Table 10: Type of Travel Companion
Table 11: Travel Party Size
Table 12: Main Purpose of Trip
Table 13: All Purposes of the Trip
Table 14: Type of Accommodations Used, and Nights in Accommodation
Table 15: Nights in the U.S.
Table 16: Percentage of First time vs. Repeat Travelers
Table 17: U.S. Trips in the Last 12 Months
Table 18: U.S. Trips in the Last 5 Years
Table 19: Number of States Visited
Table 20: Number of Destinations Visited
Table 21: Types of Transportation Used While in the U.S.
Table 22: Port-of-Entry for 21 selected U.S. airports
Table 23: Main Destination Visited
Table 24: All Destinations Visited - includes the states, territories, and over 100 destinations within the states
Table 25: Leisure Activities - 25 different types of activities
Table 26: Total Trip Expenditure tables
Table 27: Itemized Trip Expenditure Categories
Table 28: Trip Expense Payment Methods (i.e. cash, credit cards, travelers checks, and debit cards)
Table 29: All Factors in Airline Choice
Table 30: Main Factor in Airline Choice
Table 31: Type of Airline Ticket
Table 32: Seating Area on Flight
Table 33: Sex and Age of Traveler
Table 34: Occupation
Table 35: Annual Household Income

Ordering A Publication:

How To Order Over the Internet: You can order your report from TI's Web site 24 hours a day. The purchase can be made as an invoice that you can print, and reports are mailed when the check is received. Or you can order by Visa or MasterCard and the report will be mailed shortly after verification of your credit card information is obtained.

To order a report from the TI web site, click on the Market Analysis icon. Then, scroll down the page until you see the listing for the Survey of International Air Travelers (In-Flight Survey) Program. Click into this section. Then, once on this page click on the Most Current Publication area. Scroll down this page and order the publication you want. Click on the report(s) you want and then click the check-out button. Complete the information requested so we can mail you the report. Be sure to click on the Submit Your Order button.

Eleven Inbound Country Reports Also Available:

TI has developed and printed 11 annual inbound country reports. They too can be purchased via the web site. These reports have the same 35 tables as listed above. There are 12 column headings in this report. The column headings are the first time travelers through the independent visitor as listed above. Instead of being on overseas travelers, the report provides information for travelers for each country so you can understand the German leisure traveler and compare them to the German traveler who rented a car.

Customized Reports:

If the In-Flight Survey reports already developed and sold via TI's web site do not meet your needs, you can also obtain a custom report from this data base. They are developed by TI's contractor for the In-Flight Survey - CIC Research Inc. in San Diego, California. To order a customized report please call (619) 637-4000, or fax: (619) 637-4040. Ask for Lois Wauson.

For more information on Tourism Industries In-Flight Survey of overseas travelers to the U.S., please visit our web site. There are numerous pages that offer a description of the program. You can find this information at:


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Tourism Industries, International Trade Administration U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 1860 Washington, D.C. 20230 (202) 482-0140, fax: (202) 482-2887 e-mail:

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