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TInews Archive #990317161929

Date:Wed, 17 Mar 1999 16:19:29 -0500 (EST)
From: TInews Announcement
Subject: TInews: AMERICAN PATHWAYS 2000 - Become a part of Millennium history!

=== TINEWS ===================================

An information service from Tourism Industries
U.S. International Trade Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce


AMERICAN PATHWAYS 2000 - Become a part of Millennium history!

Contact: Tourism Industries office
Phone: (202) 482-0140, Fax: (202) 482-2887

Are you wondering how you can participate in Millennium activities leading up to and beyond 2000? Well, here's an opportunity! On February 24th, the U.S. Department of Commerce's office of Tourism Industries (TI) in partnership with the National Tour Association (NTA), International Association of Convention and Visitor Bureaus (IACVB), United States Tour Operators Association (USTOA), Receptive Services Association (RSA), and American Bus Association (ABA) mailed official challenges to the nation's tour, motorcoach, and receptive operators to develop itineraries to mark the new Millennium by highlighting the diversity of American culture. Applications are due back to the office of Tourism Industries by April 1, 1999. All submitted itineraries that meet the established criteria will be designated American Pathways 2000 itineraries in the spring of 1999 and should be available to travelers between May 1999 and December 2000.

To qualify, itineraries must be endorsed by at least one destination marketing organization such as a convention and visitor bureau or state travel office. According to Leslie R. Doggett, deputy assistant secretary of commerce for tourism industries, Operators, working with destination marketers such as convention and visitor bureaus, will have the opportunity to develop and submit itineraries using one of four official American Pathways 2000 themes: From Sea to Shining Sea, focusing on the indigenous peoples of the Americas; I Have a Dream, telling the African-American story; Lady Liberty, showing how immigrants contributed to the building of America; and Cultural Mosaic, celebrating ethnic influences in American Pop Culture. Through this program, both international and domestic visitors will be encouraged to discover the American experience.

American Pathways 2000 is part of the White House Millennium Program, led by the First Lady, which celebrates the American experience. The formal designation of American Pathway 2000 itineraries, confers high honor not only on that itinerary and its related tour, but also on the communities and heritage/cultural organizations featured in these itineraries.

American Pathways 2000 designated itineraries and their sponsoring operator will be featured on a special website and in a public relations campaign including press releases, direct mail campaigns, and speeches/presentations made by Commerce officials. Additionally, all sponsors of designated itineraries will have the option of displaying the White House Millennium American Pathways 2000 logo on their materials promoting that itinerary and its related tour. The Department of Commerce's office of Tourism Industries will also coordinate any requests for Commerce officials to participate in events to promote these itineraries/tours. The project was first announced in November by its founding partners TI, NTA, and IACVB.

To obtain more information about the American Pathways 2000 program, including eligibility, qualifying criteria, a description of the designation process and/or to obtain a challenge kit, contact Linda Harbaugh at the office of Tourism Industries at 202/482-2404 or fax 202/482-2887.


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Tourism Industries, International Trade Administration U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 1860 Washington, D.C. 20230 (202) 482-0140, fax: (202) 482-2887 e-mail:

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