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A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Reverse Osmosis and Ion Exchange Technologies on the Removal of the Bromide Ion

EPA Grant Number: GF9501942
Title: A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Reverse Osmosis and Ion Exchange Technologies on the Removal of the Bromide Ion
Investigators: Marchand, Eric
Institution: University of Nevada - Reno
EPA Project Officer: Broadway, Virginia
Project Period: August 1, 1995 through  
Project Amount: $23,623
RFA: STAR Graduate Fellowships (1995)
Research Category: Academic Fellowships , Fellowship - Engineering , Engineering and Environmental Chemistry



This project proposes a study comparing the effectiveness of two existing technologies for the removal of precursors to disinfection by-products (DBPs), reverse osmosis and ion exchange. Reverse osmosis is a pressure driven membrane process that is capable of removing a substance as long as the membrane used has the necessary properties. Ion exchange is a reversible process where ions in a solution are exchanged with similarly charged ions attached to a solid medium (a resin). A variety of resins are available for use in these units. Since the bromide ion is negatively charged, anion resins will be investigated for effectiveness. Since it is likely that both of these technologies will have the capability of reducing the bromide concentration of a water supply this project will make a comparison of them. This comparison will be based on the effective removal of bromide, the flow capabilities of each system, and an economic analysis of each. Also, several experimental variables will be evaluated, such as ion exchange resin used, type of reverse osmosis membrane used, effect of varying concentrations of bromide, and any interfering material which may hinder performance. A process that is capable of removing the bromide ion prior to disinfection will have a profound effect in the lowering of the potential formation of THMs and other DBPs. This will be beneficial to the ozone disinfection process where the bromide concentration is more crucial, but may also be applicable to alternate disinfection techniques.

Supplemental Keywords:

Water, Scientific Discipline, RFA, Engineering, Chemistry, & Physics, Drinking Water, Chemical Engineering, Civil/Environmental Engineering, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Chemistry, treatment, water quality, other - risk management, DBPs, disinfection, technology comparison, bromide ion removal, DBP risk management, disinfection byproducts (DBP), alternative drinking water disinfection, disinfection byproducts (DPBs), water treatment, ion exchange, reverse osmosis, bromide removal

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