Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
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Marginal Cost of Performance

Requested program changes from FY 2008 Baseline Associated with RD&T Coordination, under the goal of Organizational Excellence, are intended to increase the functionality of the RD&T planning and coordination program scope. Additional oversight and evaluation outputs will be achieved with the requested increase in the areas of (1) macro-level evaluation of DOTs RD&T portfolio for accountability and reporting and (2) micro-level, technology-specific evaluation of targeted research projects.

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FY 2008
Baseline Estimates
FY 2008
Program Changes
FY 2008
Total Request
($000) FTEs ($000) FTEs ($000) FTEs
Appropriations Account(s) 247 1 289 2 536 3

Agency Output Measure Associated with this Program increase: 
To describe the state of DOT research, a number of reports are provided to the leadership to recommend or assist in specific improvements in research program planning and management, to include a concentration of research resources.  Information is also provided regarding the coordination of existing and emerging new research.  These reports assist management in their decision making in determining the viability, usefulness and cost-effectiveness of current or proposed research.

Performance Measure: 
The number of management or policy reports provided to DOT leadership.

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  FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008
Baseline Performance Level              
Target NA NA NA 0 0 1 1
Actual NA NA NA 0 0 (est.)
Incremental Performance Target with Program Changes 0 0 0 2*
(Total) Performance Target with Program Changes 0 0 1 3

* The first two years only two reports and sets of recommendations are expected to be available.  This is due to the lag time in hiring, initiating evaluation projects, and analyzing the results of such evaluations. The following year will yield a greater ratio of conclusions and recommendations to resources. This is particularly true when specific technological expertise is contracted to conduct specialized research reviews.