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Updated 8:00 AM EST, April 15, 2008
 Deployment Statistics        

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Measures to Manage the Potential for Obsolescence of TOC/TMC Technology

  • Technology Update Plan
  • We stay abreast of all upcoming technology in an effort to prevent obsolescence of our current hardware and software
  • Developed migration plans for transitioning to newer technologies.
  • frequent upgrades of software and hardware as needed
  • Use current technology when possible
  • All technology is tested to determine if it is worthy of being deployed in EBR. We are the Statewide test board for regional deployments.
  • We have a maintenance agreement for our central computer system that also provides keeping the software updated with any and all updates.
  • We try to tour new TMCs each year to see the latest in technology. We also attend ITSA and ITE meetings several times yearly to see the latest in technologies.
  • Converted software to a windows based system
  • Establishing a mean time between failure on hardware and establishing a time-change schedule for components with a high failure rate. Benchmark new technology to streamline operation and monitoring software.
  • Hired an industry leading consultant
  • We did not get the traffic response software specified. We have been using the central office architecture (using fiber optic) to syncronize master controller for two corridors in an awkward geometric system of local roads at an intersection interchange.
  • Fiber Optic network totally upgradeable from GigE to 10 GigE
  • Research of technology options by consultant.
  • Modular Design
  • Specify procurement of current, average hardware technology and plan for cyclic hardware replacement. Implement standards based elements where applicable.
  • Paricipate in the regional Traffic Signal System Improvement Program
  • Capital replacement program
  • Planned replacement for TMC components and software program
  • Our system is scalable and modular in design allowing upgrade and system expansion without the need for wholesale repalcement of the system.
  • Software and Hardware upgrades.
  • Keep up with new technology and look for easiest ways to upgrade.
  • Constant Training for TMC employees. Constant upgrading of Software/Hardware.
  • We use Open Network Technology that can be phased out in stages with new technology devices without interrupting TransVista functionality
  • Upgraded to current version of vendors Custom-off-the-shelf software, with supported upgrades. Upgraded to a communication-standard application that is scaleable, with a track record for performance in deployment of ITS
  • Establishing a TMC maintenance program.A certain amt of funding annually setaside to provide for maintenance/upkeep of the TMC.
  • Review of new and replacement equipment with future expansion in mind.
  • We work with the Mississippi Department of Transportation to keep up to date of new technologies.
  • Use Software Integration Technical Committee to keep tabs on current technology. Also use partnership with local university for out look on futrue technologies.
  • Specification for Central software was required to be downwardly and upwardly compatible. Free software updates were mandated for a 10 year period.
  • N/A Brand new system using the latest technology
  • Research and attend relevant technical seminars.
  • Percentage of failures, replaceability, reliabilty, availablity
  • Specify NTCIP standards for open architecture non-proprietary technology
  • Upgrade software
  • Cost/benefit study before / after studies
  • Using open architecture.
  • We have recently established a regional ITS committee
  • component architecture
  • 1. Maintaining a sufficient spare parts inventory. 2. Maintaining a lifecycle database for equipment.
  • open arch.
  • Active budgeting of funds for periodic upgrading of equipment & software
  • We adopted IP based communications early on and utilized existing agency fiber and microwave networks as well as wireless subnetworks and Internet access to reduce up front costs and keep future options open.
  • IP addressability, flexible & open design to facilitate future expansions and streamlining the system.
  • Regular Planned system Replacements including the implementation of microprocessor technology to broaden the communication ability of the TMC.
  • annual inspection, new technology
  • upgrade to the latest hardware and communications.
  • good design
  • NTCIP for VMS
  • Initiated a TMC Study of future needs and upgrades.
  • Use of standards, where available.
  • 3 to 5 year refresh of equipment.
  • Budgeted for long term equipment/software upgrade needs
  • Budget for component replacement.
  • Convert video to digital
  • Configuration management process Updated specifications Equipment repair tracking
  • NTCIP capabilities are specified for our purchases so they can be integrated better as NTCIP emerges.
  • NTCIP Avoid proprietary software. hardware, and equipment where possible.
  • Configuration management planning and mainstreaming of equipment into the County MIS support network.
  • discussed a pool of money to fund upgrades and replacement of system components. Nothing has been done yet.
  • Most of our equipment is modular. Therefore, it can be replaces as it ages, or technology improves.
  • High level Systems Engineering
  • Attend conferences, seminars and workshops to gather up-to-date information on the upcoming technological changes. Find suitable sources of funding to implement these changes.
  • All equipment is in asset replacement program on 10 year life cycle.
  • Developed an operating budget that includes budget and schedule for equipment replacement. All new ITS projects include the most recent technology available that is compatible with the existing TCC system(s)
  • We have funded replacement of hardware and upgrades to software on an ongoing basis.
  • Open communication, proactive assessment of changing technologies with both partner and peer agencies.
  • Informal Planning - Seek funding for equipment upgrades.
  • We are just now looking into determining manament costs for updates.
  • Open architecture and use of COTS software/hardware as much as possible
  • Providing through the budget process the ability to upgrade and replace technology.
  • We work with our system integrator and our IT people to determine when systems are reaching obsolescence or beyone repair and manage them on a case by case basis.
  • Monitoring the state of the practice. For example, changing all MPEG 1 video to MPEG 2 due to the obsolescence of MPEG 1.
  • Sceduled replacement / upgrades
  • ITS long range plan; open regional arch.
  • Develop transition plans as devices approach end of useful life.
  • All software strictly enforces the use of ITS National Architecture. Follow state software development lifecycle guidelines.
  • No structured plan in place, technology is updated and replaced on an as needed basis.
  • We strive to stay current with ITS standards and new technologies thru ongoing training classes and attending ITS and ITE meetings. We also try to tour new TMCs yearly for the latest in TMC standards.
  • Monitoring the state of the practice. For example, changing all MPEG 1 video to MPEG 2 due to the obsolescence of MPEG 1.
  • - Periodically upgrade computers (servers and work stations) - Evaluate new technologies
  • No answer provided at this time
  • Specify that hardware purchased be current, average technology to eliminate the engineer having to predict available products 2-3 years after design.
  • Look for something new to replace it.
  • Capital Replacement Programs
  • Require NTCIP as much as possible.
  • Use of standards for upgrading legacy equipment
  • We use Open Network technology that can be phased out in stages with new technology devices without interrupting TransVista functionality
  • Built the TOC with room to expand, and as open an architect as available while avioding propriatary technologies where possible. All equipment purchased from reputable companies and a view towards new purchases with backward compatability.
  • Beggin for money.
  • ITS Long Range Plan. Open Regional arch.
  • There is no way to manage obsolescence of technology. It will occur, but you mustplan upgrades as funds allow with sufficient allocation to meet needs.
  • MTBF and quarterly product Quality Analysis.
  • Technology Advisory Group to keep up on emergining technologies and planning for the future.
  • Testing of new technologies within current system.
  • Planned funding to account for changes in hardware and software end of life.
  • The FAST FMS is being implemented in stages. Before the initiation of each stage, a technology review will be conducted for new technologies.
  • Level of support from the industry.
  • Define new workload standards that define new functions and services in demand.
  • Technology Refresh and Upgrade Programs
  • Constant technology refresh and review of available and proven technologies.
  • 1. Maintaining a sufficient spare parts inventory. 2. Maintaining a lifecycle database for equipment.
  • use ethernet-based communications, follow NTCIP, etc.
  • Monitoring the state of the practice. For example, changing all MPEG 1 video to MPEG 2 due to the obsolescence of MPEG 1.
  • Move towards new technology. Buy different equipment
  • NTCIP for VMS
  • Replacement of equipment after useful life has terminated.
  • ITS Long Range Plan Open Regional Architecture
  • Ongoing maintenance contracts, ITS Preservation
  • Convert Video from ananlog to digital
  • ITS long range plan. Open regional arch.
  • Age of equipment and life of equipment
  • Configuration Management process Updated specifications Equipment repair histories
  • Implementation of system wide maintenance and technology upgrade contract
  • ITS Long Range Plan. Open regional Arch.
  • Develop migration plan that have functionality as individual modules so each can be migrate individually and gradually. I.e. VMS module, camera module, ramp meter module, etc...
  • open communication, proactive assessment of changing technologies with both partner and peer agencies
  • Informal Planning - Seek funding for equipment upgrades.
  • We are just starting to address this issue.
  • Monitoring the state of the Practice. For example, changing all MPEG 1 video to MPEG 2 due to the obsolescence of MPEG 1.
  • All software strictly enforces the use of ITS National Architecture. Follow state software development lifecycle guidelines.
  • preventive maintenance schedules, life cycle analyis, operations needs analysis, system capabilities reviw