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Is the Algae,Cladophora, Causing Bacterial Pollution in Presque Island State Park?

EPA Grant Number: F8P21076
Title: Is the Algae,Cladophora, Causing Bacterial Pollution in Presque Island State Park?
Investigators: Olszewski, Adam
Institution: Mercyhurst College
EPA Project Officer: Boddie, Georgette
Project Period: August 12, 2008 through April 25, 2010
Project Amount: $35,000
RFA: GRO Fellowships for Undergraduate Environmental Study (2008)
Research Category: Academic Fellowships



Determine if the nuisance algae Cladophora causing bacterial pollution of beach waters in Presque Island State Park. To test we will utilize real time PCR to monitor bacterial content in Cladophora and beach waters throughout the summer months of 2008. If Cladophora is serving as the transport agent for bacteria - we will be able to observe high overall levels and specific types of bacteria (Bacteriodes, pathogenic e.coli, etc) of bacteria on the days Cladophora is present. Strategies will be developed to remove the Cladophora and test water after removal. This research will determine if there is a correlation between presence of Cladophora and high concentrations of specific bacteria.

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