
Today’s communication products contain a variety of information and serve multiple purposes. More and more, traditional maps are being combined with informational brochures to create cost effective, compact, one-stop publications. For this merging of formats to be successful, standardized symbols, colors, and formats must be developed and utilized by all levels of the organization.

The guidelines presented in this section represent the standard colors, symbology, and papers necessary to give Bureau products the uniform look that is immediately recognized as the Bureau of Land Management.

These standards are not all inclusive nor are they intended to conflict with the requirements of the Bureau’s H-9161-1 Manual for map construction. Maintain Bureau standard color on all public maps, however lighter shades of other agency lands may be used to emphasize Bureau lands. For variations or additional map requirement information, consult with your State or National Center Mapping Science Coordinator or Printing Specialist.

Map Ownership Colors

Paper Stock

International Symbology - The National Science and Technology Center (NSTC) of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is continuing to work and coordinate with other agencies in the development of standard International Symbols and their standard definitions. In the interim, and until this multiple-agency effort is finalized, the downloadable symbols and definitions listed should be used by all Bureau offices.

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