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Last Updated: November 20, 2007

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You are here:Home Grants & Financing Data Statistical Summaries

Statistical Summaries

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NEW Statistical Summaries provide information about the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) major financial aid programs during a given Federal Fiscal Year (FY) for the following programs: 

  • Urbanized Area Formula
  • Non-urbanized Area Formula
  • Rural Transit Assistance Program
  • Special Needs for Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities
  • Capital, Interstate Substitution
  • Job Access and Reverse Commute
  • Over-the-Road Bus, Clean Fuels
  • Metropolitan Transportation Planning
  • Statewide Transportation Planning
  • Consolidated Planning Grants
  • Emergency Supplemental Funding
  • State Infrastructure Banks
  • Alternative Transportation in the Parks and Public Lands (ATPPL)
  • Alternatives Analysis (AA)
  • New Freedom (NF)

The last three programs, ATPPL, AA, and NF,  were not available prior to FY 2006. The data used in the Statistical Summaries are compiled from the capital, operating, and planning assistance grants to transit authorities, states, planning agencies, and other units of local government and eligible recipients. 

FY 2003 was the first year that FTA incorporated 2000 census data into its formula apportionments.  In the 2005 and 2006 Statistical Summaries, obligations, beginning with FY 2003 data, are reported according to the urbanized area (UZA) code used to obligate the funds.  FY 2003 - FY 2006 funds were apportioned and obligated to UZAs as defined by the 2000 census. 

For carryover funds prior to FY 2003, (1) if the UZA name associated with the UZA code changed in the 2000 census (due to mergers, splits, or name change), then the obligations are shown under the new name; or (2) if the UZA was deleted in the 2000 census, the obligations are shown under the old name associated with the obsolete UZA code.

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