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ITS/Operations Resource Guide 2008

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ITS Initiatives

Vehicle Infrastructure Integration

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Vehicle Infrastructure Integration Points-of-Contact


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Vehicle Infrastructure Integration Website

 The Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) Initiative is a research program to improve safety and mobility through applications that rely on high-speed, real-time communications between vehicles and roadside infrastructure. The research program is focused on enabling deployment of a common communications platform and data set, as well as applications for public safety and traffic management. This website presents the goal, background, approach, milestones, and U.S. DOT points-of-contact for the initiative. A companion website hosted by the National VII Coalition ( contains program-related documents, announcements, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and information about related initiatives and VII partners.

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the website address

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National VII Coalition Website

 The Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) Initiative is a research program for improving safety and mobility through technology applications that rely on high-speed, real-time communications between vehicles and roadside. VII focuses on enabling development of a common communications platform and developing applications for public safety and traffic management. This website contains program-related documents, announcements, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and information about related initiatives and VII partners. A companion website hosted by the U.S. DOT ( presents the goal, background, approach, milestones, and points-of-contact for the initiative.

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the website address

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Connected Vehicles for a Connected World (FHWA-JPO-08-010) (2008)

 This brochure discusses the potential for vehicle infrastructure integration to produce revolutionary gains in transportation safety, mobility, and productivity. The brochure outlines the U.S. DOT's three phases of the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) program: operational testing including SafeTrip-21; research into enabling technologies, institutional issues, and applications to support deployment; and scanning to identify new technologies that could be used in VII. SafeTrip-21 is a demonstration and test of VII technologies, starting with the 15th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems in New York City, New York in November 2008. Other test sites include locations in Arizona, California, Michigan, Florida, Minnesota, New York, and Virginia.

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the following website addresses:

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SafeTrip-21 Field Test Sites and ITS Applications (2008)

 This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) solicits organizations to participate in a project called SafeTrip-21, i.e., field tests of various vehicle infrastructure integration (VII) technologies. Such VII technologies include in-vehicle alerts, crash avoidance systems, traveler information systems, navigation systems, transit signal priority systems, commercial vehicle applications, and e-payment applications. Selected systems will be demonstrated at the 15th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems in New York City, New York in November 2008. Other field tests and demonstrations will continue throughout 2010. The viability of the technologies' business models will also be assessed. The BAA consists of a synopsis issued prior to the solicitation, the solicitation itself, five modifications that answer questions about the solicitation, and other materials. The BAA was issued in February 2008 and responses were due in March.

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the website address
. For more information about SAFE TRIP-21, contact Gary Ritter of the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, (617) 494-2716,

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Weather Applications and Products Enabled through Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII): Feasibility and Concept Development Study (FHWA-HOP-07-084) (2007)

 Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) involves two-way wireless transmission of data from vehicles to other vehicles and from vehicles to the roadside. If implemented nationwide, VII has the potential to make enormous amounts of data available to many different types of ITS applications, including road weather applications. This report assesses the feasibility of using VII-enabled data to enhance road weather products and services. The report inventories what weather data elements are already available on board most vehicles, such as temperature, humidity, precipitation and light level. The report provides an analysis of existing road weather products and services that could be enhanced by vehicle-based weather data, as well as entirely new products and services that these data could make possible. The report presents the results of a case study from Detroit, Michigan that evaluated the accuracy of on-board data elements as compared with data from conventional weather monitoring equipment. The report concludes with recommendations for future research.

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the following website addresses: