Welcome to the TOP Performance Reporting System

The TOP web-based Performance Reporting System (PRS) was developed to improve the program's and its grantees' ability to collect data and document information pertaining to project startup, implementation, and close-out in a timely and efficient way.

The due dates for your PRS submission are as follows:

Start-up Documentation Report (New Grantees only) -

Thirty (30) days from start date of the award.
Quarterly Programmatic Reports - Thirty (30) days from the end of each calendar quarter.
Close-out Documentation - Ninety (90) days from the end date of the award.

If you have not begun to complete your performance report, use the tutorial to learn more about the online process or refer to your Grantee Handbook. If you have finished the tutorial or want to complete your performance report, go to "Login." Be sure you have your user ID and password.
Check here for updated information.

If you have any questions regarding the preparation of your Start-Up Documentation Report, please contact your TOP Project Officer, or contact PRSHelp@ntia.doc.gov.

National Telecommunications and Imformation Administration
Privacy Policy

Form Approved
OMB #0660-0015
Expiration Date: 12/31/2008