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=== TINEWS =========================

An information service from the Office of Travel and Tourism Industries
U.S. International Trade Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce


Promote Yourself to Mexico – 2nd Largest International Market to the U.S.
Expo Vacaciones USA 2006 -- Building Partnerships

Tap into the lucrative Mexican market -- the only market in the top 25 that recorded double-digit increases in both visitation and spending in 2004 -- and attend Expo Vacaciones USA 2006 in Mexico City from February 14-16, 2006.

With nearly 12 million arrivals to the United States in 2004, Mexico represents the 2nd largest international market to the U.S. Mexican travel spending in the U.S. has increased every year since 1996. The market is forecasted to maintain solid growth through 2008, growing 19 percent over 2004 figures, and reaching 14 million visitors to the U.S.

Jointly organized by the Visit USA Committee Mexico and the U.S. Commercial Service, Expo Vacaciones USA represents the best way to penetrate the Mexican market. Take advantage of Mexico's premier travel and tourism trade show and Mexico's increasing importance for the U.S. travel and tourism industry!!

Perks for U.S. exhibitors include:

•  One morning of pre-arranged one-on-one meetings with the top wholesalers and tour operators in Mexico.

•  Targeted, exclusive meetings with the travel agents of your choice.

•  The opportunity to provide educational seminars to travel agents.

•  One-day tradeshow open to the trade and consumers.

•  Optional See America Media Day to obtain media coverage of your destination and/or product.

For more information, please contact Juan Carlos Ruiz at or 011-52-55-5140-2654.

Please visit the following websites for more information on the Mexican market and these upcoming travel and tourism events.

Commercial Service Mexico Website:

ExpoVacaciones 2006 Website (in English):

Visit USA Committee Mexico:

More Research: The Office of Travel and Tourism Industries invites you to visit our web site and explore our resources available on Mexico:

Mexico Page -

Mexico Market Profile -

Forecast -

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Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 7025, Washington, D.C. 20230 (202) 482-0140, fax: (202) 482-2887 e-mail:

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