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TInews Archive #20040914.html
Date: Tuesday, 14 Sept 2004
From: TInews Announcement <>
To: TInews Announcement <>
Subject: U.S. Department Commerce Announces A New Co-operative Marketing Program for the United Kingdom

=== TINEWS ===================================

September 14, 2004

Contact: Office of Travel and Tourism Industries
Phone: (202) 482-0140, Fax: (202) 482-2887

U.S. Department Commerce Announces A New Co-operative Marketing Program for the United Kingdom

Today, the United States Department of Commerce announced the launch of the Department of Commerce’s co-operative marketing program - the partnership component of the United States International Tourism Promotion Campaign. Details about the cooperative program are available at:

The Department of Commerce, in consultation with the U.S. Travel and Tourism Promotion Advisory Board, which is comprised of travel and tourism industry leaders, has developed the United States Government’s first-ever, $6 million integrated marketing effort targeting leisure travelers from the United Kingdom. The goal of the overall campaign is to raise awareness of the United States as a tourism destination, and to increase visitation to the United States from its largest overseas tourism market - the United Kingdom.

The co-operative program is designed to create promotion and sales opportunities for the tourism trade on both sides of the Atlantic to leverage the government's overarching marketing initiatives. The program offers in-market promotional opportunities at a variety of investment levels, ranging from $500 to $250,000. Opportunities include television spots and print fulfillment, web-based marketing, direct marketing and custom initiatives. Partners can benefit from their association with the USA brand campaign by leveraging and extending the value of the government's $4 million national United Kingdom multi-media buy.

Additionally, the website for the cooperative program features a link to free downloadable graphic artwork, for anyone in the industry who would like to incorporate the creative concept into their own graphic treatments as a way to effectively dovetail with the government’s brand USA campaign. The Department of Commerce invites and encourages interested parties to explore and support this industry-wide effort to increase the number of United Kingdom consumers traveling to the United States.

To find out further information about the co-operative component of the U.S. International Tourism Promotion Campaign, please visit The deadline for submitting applications is COB October 8, 2004.

If you are interested, please contact:

Julie Heizer, Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, 202.482.4904
Isabel Hill, Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, 202.482.5120
Helen Marano, Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, 202.482.4752

U.S. Media Inquiries:
Amy Patti, Edelman 312.240.3382
Amy McGee, Edelman 312.240.2829

UK Media Inquiries:
JCPR, Claire Freeman, 0207.208.7280

Cooperative Program:
Peter Capper, BVK, 414.247.3817
Jennifer Barbee,, 877.883.5225

For additional information, please visit the following websites:

The Co-Operative Program:

The Promotion Campaign:

More Research: The Office of Travel and Tourism Industries invites you to visit our website and explore the resources available on Eastern Europe:

United Kingdom Outreach Page:


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Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, International Trade Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 7025
Washington, D.C. 20230
(202) 482-0140, fax: (202) 482-2887

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