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TInews Archive #20030206.html
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003
From: TInews Announcement <>
To: TInews Announcement <>
Subject: 2001 Annual U.S. Outbound Travel Estimates Released

=== TINEWS ===================================

February 6, 2003

2001 Annual U.S. Outbound Travel Estimates Released

The U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration (ITA) Office of Travel & Tourism Industries (OTTI) updated its web site with the annual 2001 U.S. outbound data.

OTTI's outbound web site has nine links to information on the international U.S. resident outbound market for 2001. This is up from only six last year. In addition, there are seven links to In-Depth Information and Data this year, up from only three last year.

Highlights from some of the data tables for 2001 include:

  1. An historical time line on total U.S. outbound travel estimates for 1991-2001.
    Information is also provided on U.S. visitation to overseas, Mexico and Canada. In 2001, there were almost 58 million Americans traveling abroad. This is down almost five percent from 2000. The decline in 2001 was the first decline in total U.S. outbound travel since 1991, when travel declined almost seven percent in the year of the Gulf War.

    Travel to Mexico, the top country visited, declined by nine percent in 2001, to 17.2 million visitors. U.S. travel to Mexico has seen increases and declines over time. With the decline posted in 2001, this was the fifth decline in travel to this country since 1991.

    Canada saw 15.6 million U.S. travelers in 2001, up almost three percent over calendar year 2000, following a 1 % decline for that year. The second largest destination for U.S. travelers saw four declines in visits from the United States between 1991 and 2001.

    Finally, a six percent decline in 2001 was seen in the overseas markets, which include all countries except Canada and Mexico, with a year level of. This is only the second decline since 1991 in travel to overseas destinations. To see this table, got to:

  2. An historical time line on spending by U.S. travelers abroad for 1991-2001.
    Total spending in U.S. travelers by travel and passenger fares totaled $8.5
    billion, down over seven percent from calendar year 2000. Like the declines in the total number of outbound travelers, the decline in total spending was the first since 1991, when travel declined by five percent to $45.3 billion. Breakouts are also provided for spending on travel and passenger fares each year. Within this table are also estimates for travel spending by visitors to the USA so a trade balance related to international travel to and from the United States may be calculated. In 2001, spending by travelers to the USA exceeded the total amount of money U.S. travelers spent abroad by almost $8.6 billion. This is the 13th straight surplus generated by the United States, since 1989. To see the total spending figures over time, please go to:

  3. A table on the top destinations visited by U.S. travelers going abroad.
    In 2001, of the almost 58 million travelers, the top six destinations were: Mexico (17.2 million, down 9%), Canada (15.6 million, up 3%), the United Kingdom (3.4 million, down 19%), France (2.6 million, down 10%), and Italy and Germany (1.9 million, down 10% and 18% respectively). A table that illustrates the visitation estimates for 2000 and 2001 for the top 25 markets can be seen at:

  4. Spending by U.S. travelers abroad for 2001 along with percentage changes.
    There are breakdowns for over 30 countries and numerous world regions that illustrate spending (or payments) on travel and passenger fares, accounting for, imports for the United States. The top five markets for U.S, total spending abroad were: the United Kingdom ($9.8 billion, down 12%), Mexico ($7.5 billion, down 1%), Canada ($7.2 billion, registering no growth), and France $4.6 billion, down 6%), and Italy ($4.1 billion, down 12%). To see this table, as well as spending figures for 1998-2000 (at the bottom of the link's page), go to:

  5. An historical time line on U.S. outbound visitation for 1991-2001.
    Estimates, where available, are provided for 11 world regions and almost 60 countries. Estimates are provided for 16 European countries and 12 Asian markets. To see this table, go to:

  6. The 2001 profile of U.S. travelers to overseas destinations.
    Overseas includes all countries except Canada and Mexico. In 2001, travel to overseas destinations totaled 25.2 million travelers. Breakouts for all travelers as well as Leisure/Visiting Friends & Relatives and Business/Convention travelers are provided on this table. There are 32 different tables on the U.S. outbound market illustrated in the 2001 profile. By reviewing the profile, you may be able to develop an understanding of how U.S. travelers going abroad made their decision, from what states and cities of residence the travelers originate, where they went, what they spent, how long they stayed, what was their purpose of trip, what leisure activities they enjoyed, how they planned it, and much, much more.
    To see this table, go to:

    If you would like to know how the U.S. traveler to overseas markets changed when compared to 2000 or other past years, click on the link at the bottom of this page and you will be able to review past U.S. outbound tables issued by OTTI.

    There are other links to additional tables, and if you are interested in purchasing reports issued by OTTI on the U.S. outbound market, you can find them in the In-Depth Information and Data section of the outbound page at:

    We hope you find this information useful. Please watch for the update of this page with the 2002 U.S. outbound travel data in July/August of 2003.

    If you have any questions, or would like additional information, please contact OTTI at:

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Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, International Trade Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 7025
Washington, D.C. 20230
(202) 482-0140, fax: (202) 482-2887

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