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Date: Mon, 20 May 2002
From: TInews Announcement <>
To: TInews Announcement <>
Subject: Brazil Travel Recovery Barometer Results Released

=== TINEWS ===================================

An information service from the Office of Travel and Tourism Industries (OTTI)
U.S. International Trade Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce

May 20, 2002

Brazil Travel Recovery Barometer Results Released

Brazilian travel to the United States was down in 2001 although recovery is on the horizon, according to the results reported in the Brazil Travel Recovery Barometer. On April 17, 2002, the U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Travel and Tourism Industries (OTTI) reported the preliminary 2001 year-end Brazilian arrivals to the United States. Brazilian arrivals to the U.S. contracted 23% to 569,687 arrivals in 2001, compared to 737,245 arrivals in 2000. Total international arrivals to the U.S. were down 11 percent. Prior to September 11, travel from Brazil was down only 7 percent (January - August 2001, compared to the same period in 2000).

"The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 brought into view the tremendous impact on travel and tourism, especially the international segment," said Helen Marano, Director of OTTI. "Travel behaviors and decisions were shifted within days of these tragedies."

In response to the travel industry's concern of the Brazilian travel market to the U.S. after the September 11 attacks, the U.S. Department of Commerce launched the Brazil Travel Recovery Barometer Survey in January 2002. The survey, which provides unparalleled short-term market insight on Brazilian travel behavior, is a qualitative gauge of travel demand from the Brazilian travel trade's point of view. The results highlight just how much the Brazilian travel market to the U.S. was disrupted, and now shows signs of recovery by Spring 2002.

To access the full results, visit the OTTI web site and go to the new Recovery Center section at:

Brazil Travel Trade Barometer Highlights:

  • The majority of the Barometer respondents reported that September demand was much lower. Official preliminary arrivals figures indicate that travel dropped 49 percent in September.

  • Respondents indicated that travel remained much lower in October, November, and December 2001, compared to the same months in 2000. Preliminary arrivals figures report travel contracted 65 percent in October, negative 50 percent in November, and negative 47 percent in December 2001.

  • Nearly two thirds of the Brazilian trade reported a 50 percent or more increase in cancellations after September 11, 2001. Approximately one third of the Barometer respondents experienced a 50 percent or more decrease in bookings, and 23 percent of the respondents indicated inquiries for travel to the U.S. decreased by 50 percent or more in September 2001, compared to September 2000.

  • More than half of the Brazilian trade indicated that they reduced staff, while 41 percent were able to maintain personnel after the September 11 attacks.

  • Cancellations continued in October, November, and December 2001, although at a slightly slower pace. Bookings and inquiries also continued to decrease through December. However, staff reductions continued at a slower rate than the initial reductions in staff reported in September 2001.

  • Starting in January, February, and March 2002, cancellations were expected to be about normal, bookings to rebound, and inquiries to increase, compared to the same months in 2000.

  • Bookings for spring travel to the U.S. were split with a slight majority (55%) indicating they expect bookings to increase. The same was true for inquiries for travel, with 60 percent of the respondents indicating an increase in inquiries to travel to the U.S. in April, May, and June 2002.

  • The top barrier to travel through June 2002 continued to be the perceived safety in traveling to the U.S. (listed by 32 percent of the respondents), followed by the Brazilian economy, listed by 27 percent of the Brazilian travel trade.

  • Brazilians, from September through the end of the year, listed domestic travel within Brazil as the top competitive destination for travel.

  • Half of the travel trade indicated that inbound travel to Brazil was higher or much higher in the last three months of 2001. The trade indicated that this trend will continue through the winter and spring months in 2002.

The next Brazil Travel Trade Barometer survey, to be conducted in June 2002, will review summer travel and gather input on demand for autumn travel. The Brazilian travel trade is encouraged to register and participate in the survey. For details visit:

To learn more about the preliminary December and annual 2001 arrivals, go to the Office of Travel and Tourism Industries web site:

To learn more about the extent of the declines in international travel to the U.S., please see OTTI's analysis of the preliminary December and annual 2001 arrivals. The analysis will provide information on the declines prior to September 11, and for the remaining months in 2001. Within the analysis, information will be provided on how far back the attacks put this country, and will also discuss the changes in arrivals rankings for the top markets in 2002. Go to OTTI's monthly analysis at:

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Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, International Trade Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 7025
Washington, D.C. 20230
(202) 482-0140, fax: (202) 482-2887

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