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TInews Archive #20020314.html

Date: Thurs, 14 Mar 2002
From: TInews Announcement <>
To: TInews Announcement <>
Subject: First Signs of a Recovery seen in November 2001 International Arrivals data

=== TINEWS ===================================

An information service from the Office of Travel and Tourism Industries (OTTI)
U.S. International Trade Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce

March 14, 2002

First Signs of a Recovery seen in November 2001 International Arrivals data

November 2001 international arrival figures show that the worst of the declines may be over. Although, in November travel to the country was still down 29 percent when compared to November 2000 arrivals, but this decline was far less than the record 34 percent decline registered in October. To assist the industry in monitoring the recovery, OTTI has provided an analysis with supporting tables that illustrate the initial signs of recovery in travel to the country. To help illustrate the slowing of the declines, the percentage change figures registered for the top six markets for October and November 2001 were:

  Oct-01 Nov-01
Country % Change % Change
- Canada down 24 percent down 21 percent
- Mexico down 31 percent down 24 percent
- Japan down 61 percent down 62 percent
- UK down 21 percent down 25 percent
- Germany down 44 percent down 36 percent
- France down 28 percent down 14 percent

Only two of the top six markets recorded larger increases in the declines, Japan and the United Kingdom, while the rest of the top 20 markets experienced smaller monthly declines in November. Please visit OTTI's 2001 monthly arrivals web page. You will find an analysis of the top 12 inbound markets, a table with the November and year-to-date figures for the top 40 countries, and another table that provides the same information for all countries generating visitors to the United States. To access the November 2001 visitor arrival analysis and tables please visit the "monthly" section of OTTI's web site, or the new Recovery Center web page:

If you need additional information on the international markets to the country, you may want to consider subscribing to OTTI's monthly report entitled: the "Summary of International Travel to the United States." This report is the official USA source on monthly, quarterly and annual international visitor arrivals. In addition to the number of arrivals and percentage change by market, data is available on their port of entry, mode of transportation, visa type and age of the visitors. The data is based upon a count of all arrivals that complete the required Immigration and Naturalization Service I-94 form to enter the country. To learn more about the arrivals data program, please visit OTTI's web site at:

OTTI hopes that the information provided on our monthly arrival web site page will assist the industry in understanding the impact that September 11th has had on international travel to this country. Watch for upcoming Tinews announcements on the remaining month of 2001 and as the 2002 data becomes available. If you have any questions, or would like to comment on the information provided, please send your comments or questions to:

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Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, International Trade Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 7025
Washington, D.C. 20230
(202) 482-0140, fax: (202) 482-2887

=== END T I N E W S ===========================