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ITS/Operations Resource Guide 2008

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  How To Use This Guide
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  Featured Resources
  ITS Initiatives
  System Operations
  Analysis Tools
  Archived Data
  Arterial Operations and Traffic
      Control Systems

  Commercial Vehicle Operations
  Freeway Management and

  High-Occupancy Vehicle Facilities
  Intermodal Freight
  Manual on Uniform Traffic Control

  National Transportation Operations

  Parking Management Systems
  Planning and Integration
  Road Weather Management
  Rural Issues
  Tolling and Pricing
  Traffic Incident Management
  Transportation Management

  Transportation Security
  Travel Demand Management
  Traveler Information
  Work Zones
  ITS Deployment Support
  Related Websites


System Operations

Freeway Management and Operations

People icon

Freeway Management and Operations Points-of-Contact


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Freeway Management Program Section of the FHWA Office of Operations Website

 This website is a compilation of resources related to highway operations and freeway management systems. The website explains what freeway management systems are and why they are important, plus links to the website profiling the Freeway Management Handbook.

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the website address

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Traffic Bottlenecks Section of the FHWA Office of Operations Website

 This website is a compilation of resources related to traffic bottlenecks, i.e., "small corridors of delay" where there is congestion upstream and free flow downstream. The website discusses the definition of a bottleneck area, common causes of bottlenecks, their role in the growing congestion problem, and successful mitigation strategies. The website defines freight bottlenecks and discusses how they are different from bottlenecks that cause congestion among the general population of vehicles. The website contains a link to the document Traffic Bottlenecks: A Primer – Focus on Low-Cost Operational Improvements, a table showing the differences between recurring and non-recurring bottlenecks, and case studies on how state and local agencies have successfully reduced congestion at bottleneck sites. The website was developed as part of FHWA's Localized Bottleneck Reduction (LBR) Program.

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the website address

Website icon

Transportation Research Board Committee AHB20 (formerly A3A09) on Freeway Operations Website

 This site is the official website of the Transportation Research Board Committee AHB20 (formerly A3A09) on Freeway Operations. The site contains the committee's mission statement, a list of current projects and their status, membership list, papers and award nominations to be reviewed by committee members, other reference documents pertaining to the committee, and related links.

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the website address

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Vehicle Detector Clearinghouse Website

 This site is the official website of the Vehicle Detector Clearinghouse (VDC), a Pooled-Fund Study among several states in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration. The mission of the VDC is to provide information to transportation agencies about the capabilities of commercially available vehicle detectors. Equipment types studied by the VDC are devices that detect vehicle presence, speed, axles, classification (automated vehicle classification [AVC]), and weight (weigh-in-motion [WIM]). The clearinghouse also seeks to be a catalyst for developing standard protocols for testing equipment. The site contains a database of vehicle detection products as well as results of a survey of which state departments of transportation are using which products. The site also contains materials related to past and upcoming meetings, an online version of the VDC Newsletter, an extensive list of reference documents with the abstracts available online, a nationwide list of contacts, and related links.

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the website address

Document icon

Traffic Bottlenecks: A Primer – Focus on Low-Cost Operational Improvements (FHWA-HOP-07-013) (2007)

 This primer discusses bottleneck areas in the transportation network: the definition of a bottleneck area, common causes of bottlenecks and their role in the growing congestion problem. The primer presents 12 short-term, low-cost mitigation strategies and assesses each strategy's effectiveness at improving bottlenecks caused by various factors, such as lane drops, narrow weaving areas, and long climbs. The primer summarizes the results of a survey of state and local agencies conducted as part of an NCHRP study as to the most commonly used mitigation strategies. The primer concludes with brief case studies from Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Texas and Washington State on how state and local agencies have successfully reduced congestion at bottleneck sites. The primer was produced as part of FHWA's Localized Bottleneck Reduction (LBR) Program.

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: To order a hardcopy, contact Neil Spiller of the FHWA Office of Transportation Management, (202) 366-2188, For the online version, access the following website addresses:

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Coordinated Freeway and Arterial Operations Handbook (FHWA-HRT-06-095) (2006)

 This handbook provides direction, guidance and recommendations on how to coordinate freeway and arterial operations in a proactive and comprehensive manner. The handbook defines coordinated freeway and arterial (CFA) operations and discusses how to apply CFA to four areas of high pay-off: traffic incident management, work zone management, planned special events management, and day-to-day (or recurring) operations. The handbook concludes with a discussion of new technologies such as ITS and an example of CFA in an incident management program in Northern Virginia. Development of this handbook was sponsored by the Transportation Management Center Pooled-Fund Study (TMC PFS).

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the website address

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Ramp Management and Control Handbook (2006)

 This handbook provides guidance and recommended practices on managing and controlling traffic on ramps with freeway facilities. The handbook discusses several ramp management strategies, including how to select appropriate strategies and develop ramp management plans, how to implement those strategies and plans, how to operate and maintain these strategies, and how to assess their performance and report on the results. This handbook also describes in greater depth the issues and concepts specific to ramp management and control presented in Chapter 7 of the Freeway Management and Operations Handbook. In addition to the Ramp Management and Control Handbook, key concepts of ramp management and control are summarized in a primer, brochure, fact sheet, and frequently asked questions (FAQ) document. Development of these materials was sponsored by the Transportation Management Center Pooled-Fund Study (TMC PFS).

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the following website addresses:.

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Changeable Message Sign Operation and Messaging Handbook (FHWA-OP-03-070) (2004)

 This handbook is a consolidation of the most current and best information on the design and display of effective changeable message sign (CMS) messages for incident and roadwork events. The handbook presents this information in a series of 10 modules, covering topics such as fundamentals of CMS operations, CMS operating policies, principles of CMS message design, dealing with long messages, establishing a maximum message length, formatting messages, and the CMS message design process. The handbook is designed to help both new and experienced users of CMSs at various levels of a given agency. Development of this handbook was sponsored by the Transportation Management Center Pooled-Fund Study (TMC PFS).

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the website address

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Managed Lanes: A Cross-Cutting Study (FHWA-HOP-05-037) (2004)

 This report reviews the state-of-the-art in managed lanes, i.e., employing various strategies – such as high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes, value pricing, and special use lanes – to improve traffic flow and maximize the efficiency of the freeway system. This report explores what managed lanes are, how to plan for their implementation, what operational and design issues should be considered, and how active management of the lanes over the life of the facility affects implementation. The report presents several case studies which highlight best practices and lessons learned. Finally, the report discusses emerging issues, knowledge gaps, and directions for further research.

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the following website addresses:

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Managed Lanes: A Primer (FHWA-HOP-05-031) (2004)

 This 24-page brochure serves as a primer on managed lanes, i.e., employing various strategies – such as high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes, value pricing, and special use lanes – to improve traffic flow and maximize the efficiency of the freeway system. This brochure defines what managed lanes are, presents several managed lane success stories, discusses issues and challenges unique to managed lane projects, and explores the future of this freeway management approach.

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the following website addresses:

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A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, Fifth Edition (2004)

 Known as the "Green Book," this document discusses the geometric features of rural and urban highway design. The document contains design practices in widespread use as the standard for highway geometric design. New features of the Fifth Edition incorporates the latest research on super-elevation and side friction factors as presented in NHCRP Report# 439.

Cost: $120-$145 for the printed version, $160-$192 for the CD-ROM version, $208-$250 for both. Prices for the printed and CD-ROM versions vary depending on status of membership in the professional associations that publish the Green Book.
To Access This Resource: The Green Book printed and CD-ROM versions are available from the following professional associations:

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Telecommunications Handbook for Transportation Professionals: The Basics of Telecommunications (FHWA-HOP-04-034) (2004)

 This handbook provides with basic descriptions of terms and technologies that are commonly used (or considered) in the deployment of freeway management and traffic signal systems, including both voice and data communications. The handbook covers telecommunications fundamentals, the relationship between telecommunications and the National ITS Architecture, a step-by-step process for developing a telecommunications system, field devices, maintenance, warrantees, and construction. The handbook also examines the Internet and cutting-edge technologies. Two case studies from Utah and Texas are provided.

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the website addresses:

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Freeway Management and Operations Handbook (FHWA-OP-04-003) (2003)

 This handbook provides an overview of the institutional and technical issues associated with the planning, design, implementation, and management of a freeway network. The 2003 edition is an update of the 1997 edition and is the third update to be published by FHWA. The handbook examines a wide variety of strategies, tools, and technologies that can be used to support management and operation of the freeway network. Development of this handbook was sponsored by the Transportation Management Center Pooled-Fund Study (TMC PFS).

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the following website addresses:

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Highway Traffic Operations and Freeway Management State-of-the-Practice Final Report (FHWA-OP-03-076) (2003)

 This white paper summarizes the state-of-the-practice in freeway management and operations. The white paper profiles institutional arrangements such as funding, procurement and staffing, as well as system functions such as freeway management systems, corridor traffic management, electronic toll and traffic management, decision-support systems, traveler information, traffic incident management, special events management, and communication systems. In addition, the white paper notes innovative approaches not in common use, thus identifying the gap between the state-of-the-practice and the state-of-the-art.

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the following website addresses:

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What Have We Learned about Intelligent Transportation Systems? Chapter 2: What Have We Learned about Freeway, Incident, and Emergency Management and Electronic Toll Collection? (2000)

 This document is an excerpt from a compendium report that looks back on the 10 years of the National ITS Program to examine which ITS technology applications have been successful, which have not been successful, and what are the underlying factors that determine success versus failure. This section examines freeway, incident, and emergency management and electronic toll collection systems.

Cost: Free
To Access This Resource: Access the website address, EDL# 13318.

Training course icon

Freeway Management and Operations (NHI Course# 133075 or 133075A)

 This course provides participants with an appreciation and understanding of the key policies, institutional issues, challenges and barriers, technical, and other issues to consider in the planning, design, implementation, management, operation, evaluation, and marketing of freeway facilities. The key topics covered include introduction to freeway management and operations, freeway management as a component of traffic operations programs, performance monitoring and evaluation, roadway and operational improvements, ramp management and control, lane management and control, high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) systems, traffic incident management, planned special events, information dissemination, transportation management centers, information sharing and integration, detection and surveillance, and communication media. This course addresses basic traffic flow theory for freeways and evaluation of freeway operations during project development and design. In addition, this course provides information on freeway traffic control systems, traffic management centers, and operations analysis procedures for freeways. Skill Level: Specialized learning. Target Audience: Federal, state, and local transportation professionals involved in planning, design, and implementation of freeway traffic operational improvements. Course Length: Two or three days.

Cost: $300 per participant for the two-day course; $400 per participant for the three-day course.
To Access This Resource: Access the following website addresses: