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Denmark Local time: 05:34 PM

Business Travel in Denmark

Lady seated in a plane

Business travel - Advisory and Visas

American business visitors and tourists do not need visas if staying in Denmark for less than three months. The national carrier, Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) provides non-stop service from Copenhagen to New York, Chicago, Washington D.C. and Seattle with United Airlines as a U.S. partner. Major U.S. credit cards are accepted in Denmark (in hotels, restaurants and major department stores, but not in smaller stores), and all major U.S. car rental companies have offices at airports and major cities. A number of Danish hotels are affiliated with U.S. hotel management companies. Consequently, a U.S. business visitor may plan his entire trip to Denmark through his local travel agent, including overseas and local transportation and lodging. Denmark is known as one of the safest places in the world. It has been spared natural disasters and crime rates are low. Even so, Denmark still does have its share of pickpockets and other potential unpleasantries, so common sense and a certain caution are always good traveling companions. Up-to-date travel information on Denmark, and all other countries, is available on the Department of State’s website:

If an American visitor plans to stay in Denmark for a period of more than three months, or if they have already been resident in one of the other Scandinavian countries for the last nine months, he or she must apply for both residence and work permits before arriving in Denmark. This rule applies to all non-EU citizens. In the United States, applications may be submitted to the Royal Danish Embassy or one of its diplomatic missions located in a few larger U.S. cities. Business travelers to Denmark seeking appointments with American Embassy Copenhagen officials should contact the Commercial Section in advance. The Commercial Section can be reached on telephone (45/33-417315)or by fax at