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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation of the 2007 Annual Meeting of AHRQ

Hierarchies—Arbitrary Abstractions

Text Description is below the image.

The slide presents a flowchart of text flowing upwards.

Packaged Medicine MISRF BP (NDC-11) flows up to Manufactured Medicine MISRF B (NDC-9), which flows up to Generic Formulation MISRF (e.g. Multum_id). This flows in three directions. First, to Ingredient combination, route, no form no strength (MIsRf) which flows up to Ingredient combination strength, no route no form (MISrf) which flows up to Ingredient combination only (MIsrf), which flows up to Moiety combination (Misrf).

The second direction of generic formulation is Moiety combination, route, abstract form, no strength (MisRF) which flows up to Moiety combination, route, no form no strength (MisRf) which flows up to Moiety combination (Misrf).

The third direction of generic formulation is Moiety combination, strength, no form no route (MiSrf, RxN:SCD) which flows up to Moiety combination, form no route no strength (MisrF, RxN:SCDF), which flows up to Moiety combination, route, no form no strength (MisRf), which flows up to Moiety combination (Misrf).

Copyright© 2007 Regenstreif Institute, Inc. 07/05/2007.

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