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United Arab Emirates Local time: 09:21 AM

Doing Business With Libya & Sudan

Doing Business with Libya & Sudan

The United States is taking a gradual, step-by-step approach with Libya. Improved relations, including lifting of sanctions, will depend upon how quickly and how well Libya fulfills its commitments on Weapons of Mass Destruction, Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)-class missiles, and terrorism. The President has already taken several steps in response to Libya’s cooperation over the last several months:

  • The passport restriction has been lifted, making U.S. passports valid for travel in, to, or through Libya.
  • The Office of Foreign Assets Control has issued a general license permitting travel-related expenses.
  • U.S. companies with pre-sanctions holdings have received authorization to begin negotiations on the terms of their re-entry, with the proviso that contracts may not be put into force until the USG gives specific approval or sanctions are lifted, whichever comes first.
  • Libya has been invited to open an Interest Section in Washington.
  • The U.S. has assigned American personnel to staff an Interest Section in Tripoli.
  • A medical team recently visited Libya to identify areas in which the U.S. and Libya can cooperate in improving healthcare there.
  • A Libyan educational delegation has been invited to come to Washington.
    Please visit for information.

For any inquiries please contact David Roth at

Doing Business With Sudan-
For an overview of the Sudanese Sanctions Regulations, read
Title 31 Part 538 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations
and check this website which will assist in a better understanding of U.S. Sanctions.