Transporation Workforce Development Banner
What's New
Studies/Research - information on completed, on-going and planned workforce studies and concept documents
Articles/Presentations - copies of recent articles and presentations on workforce development
Innovative Practices - documents state innovative practices in for workforce planning, career opportunity, recruitment, retention, career development and program review
European Study Tour - information on U.S. delegation tour of Sweden, Germany, Great Britain and France to learn about European workforce policies and practices
Education/Outreach - describes activities for transportation career outreach for K-12, and programs related to transportation professional development, education and training
Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program
Summer Transportation Institute - live link to the Summer Transportation Institute programs for high school students conducted at colleges and universities
Construction Career Programs - live link to CCP website explains program for day long, hands-on operation of highway construction equipment for high school students
University Transportation Centers - live link to the UTC website describing UTC program and summary of UTC programs and activities
Other Related Links
The Transportation Workforce - Keeps America Moving
Welcome to Transportation Workforce Development

Safe and efficient transportation is critical to economic growth and the quality of life for all Americans. Yet 50 percent of the workforce responsible for planning, developing and managing the transportation system will be eligible to retire in the next five years. They will take with them years of experience, knowledge and skills that will be difficult to replace.

Pro-active efforts to develop a new workforce must begin in earnest. At stake is the viability of a transportation system that is already challenged to keep pace with the increasing demands of the industrial and service sectors and provide the American people with the commuter and recreation network they have come to expect and enjoy.

This website provides information for meeting the transportation workforce challenge now and for the future.

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Federal Highway Administration | US Department of Transportation

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Transportation Workforce Development
Office of Professional Development
Federal Highway Administration
4600 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203 USA
(703) 235-0500

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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration