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ECCAT - Electronic Compendium of Compliance Assistance Tools

This database is a collection of compliance assistance tools developed by EPA, states, and other groups for the Construction Sector. To search this database, select one or more Focus Areas, Locations, and Tool Types, then click the Search button at the bottom of the page. A printer-friendly PDF version of this database is also available.

To add additional resource, please send an e-mail to Emily Chow at chow.emily@epa.gov.

For additional information related to the construction industry, please visit the Construction Industry Compliance Assistance Center.

Focus Areas

All Focus Areas Lead-Based Paint
Storm Water Discharge Permit Nonhazardous Construction and Demolition Waste Minimization
Storm Water Mgmt for Construction Activities Dust Control
Erosion/Sediment Control Transportation Conformity
Wetlands Permitting Permits/Other Issues
Wetlands Mitigation Green Building
Hazardous Construction and Demolition Waste and Oils Habitat Conservation Plans/Incidental Take Permits
Asbestos Section 7 Consultation for Endangered Species Act


Note that selecting an EPA region will produce a query displaying tools for each state within that region.

Select Region(s) OR State(s)


Note that tools developed by EPA headquarters, which are applicable nationwide for federal requirements, will appear for each query by EPA Region (e.g., search results for EPA Region 1 will include headquarters tools as well as Region 1 tools).

Tool Types

All Focus Areas Guidance Document Poster Website
Audit Checklist Other Videotape Workshop
Fact Sheet         



URL: http://cfpub.epa.gov/clearinghouse/ECCAT/index.cfm?ECCAT=Construction
Last Updated: Friday, November 07, 2008