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 1.  Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission State Contacts
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission State Contacts
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 2.  Texas Groundwater Protection Committee
The Texas Groundwater Protection Committee is a consortium of nine state agencies and the Texas Association of Groundwater Districts. The committee works to effectively manage Texas groundwater and protect this state's vital resource.
URL:  http://www.tgpc.state.tx.us/Default.htm
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 3.  Texas Department of Agriculture - Compliance and Program Development
This program verifies that pesticide dealers and pesticide applicators are in compliance with pesticide laws and regulations by reviewing inspections conducted by TDA personnel.
URL:  http://www.agr.state.tx.us/pesticide/compliance/pes_complian.htm
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 4.  Texas Groundwater Protection Committee - Pesticides
Pesticide is the generic name for a group of chemicals designed to kill, inhibit, or repel weeds, insects, fungus, and rodents from bothering, eating or damaging crops, livestock, humans, or items that humans utilize. Pesticides include herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and rodenticides and can also be placed within two other categories; Agricultural (crop, aquaculture, and livestock), and urban (home, garden, and yard, right-of-way, business, and industrial) applications.
URL:  http://www.tgpc.state.tx.us/Pesticides.htm
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 5.  Texas Superfund Program
The state Superfund program mission is to remediate abandoned or inactive sites within the state that pose an unacceptable risk to public health and safety or the environment, but which do not qualify for action under the federal Superfund program. A Superfund registry is maintained to track the current status of sites which have been identified as needing State of Texas intervention.
URL:  http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/remediation/superfund/
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 6.  Texas Commission on Environmental Quality - Compliance, Enforcement and Cleanups
Featured Topics on this page: TCEQ Enforcement Process Review, Compliance Histories Categories Under This Subject: Cleanups, Compliance Assistance, Enforcement, Enforcement and Cleanup Data, Permits, Registrations and Licenses, Policy Guidance and Planning, Rules and Rulemaking
URL:  http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/nav/cec/
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 7.  TNRCC: Performance Track Site Visit Protocol
This document is intended as a guide to make sure certain facilities in Texas meet the criteria of the National Environmental Performance Track Program. The site visit is neither a comprehensive EMS assessment nor a compliance evaluation. It does not constitute an approval of a facility's compliance status nor should it be interpreted as a third party certification of your EMS.
URL:  http://www.tnrcc.state.tx.us/exec/sbea/ems/stakeholder/PTSiteVisitProt

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 8.  Texas State Auditor's Office: Automation Controls Self-Assessment Guide
This self-assessment guide will help managers at state agencies and universities to assess the status of their computer operations control environment. The results will point out areas of strength and areas that may need some improvements. Managers can then decide where to focus their resources for any needed review efforts and improvement activities.
URL:  http://www.sao.state.tx.us/Resources/Manuals/AutoAssess/
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 9.  Texas Commission on Environmental Quality: Security Vulnerability Self-Assessment Guide for Small Drinking Water Systems Serving Populations Between 3,300 and 10,000
This Security Vulnerability Self-Assessment Guide is designed to help small water systems determine possible vulnerable components and identify security measures that should be considered in order to protect the system and the customers it serves.
URL:  http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/comm_exec/wsys_self_assess_183337.pdf
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 10.  Arlington, Texas- Public Works: Wastewater FAQs
Use this page to find out the difference between a storm drainage system and a wastewater system.
URL:  http://www.ci.arlington.tx.us/environmentalservices/environmental_faq_

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URL: http://cfpub.epa.gov/clearinghouse/index.cfm?TopicID=C:10:800:150:TX:
Last Updated: Friday, November 07, 2008