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 1.  Printers' National Environmental Assistance Center - Clean Air Act Small Business Program Contacts (California)
Clean Air Act Small Business Program Contacts for the state of California
URL:  http://www.pneac.org/contacts/states/StateContacts.cfm?theState=Califo

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 2.  California EPA Program and Regional Office Ombudsman Contact List
This site is a list of CalEPA program and regional office Ombudsman contacts. Each Ombudsman is appointed as a single point-of-contact to work with applicants and the public to clarify permit requirements and resolve regulatory conflicts. A contact is listed for the following environmental programs: Air Resources, Pesticide Regulation, Toxic Substances, Integrated Waste Management, Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, and State Water Resources Control and Regional Water Quality control boards.
URL:  http://www.calepa.ca.gov/ombudsman/obmandir.htm
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 3.  California EPA Permit Assistance Center Contact List
Part of the California Environmental Protection Agency web site. List of Business Permit Assistance Centers for various districts of California. The site has a very nice layout and complete listing, including address, phone, fax and email. The general site (CalGOLD) also includes a nice search capability that allows an individual to enter information on business type and city, and get immediate information on all of the permits that are required, including the appropriate Assistance Center contact.
URL:  http://www.calgold.ca.gov/Default.asp?VW=OUT&TOP=N&KYWD=
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 4.  Business Environmental Resource Center
BERC is a comprehensive environmental resource center that focuses on assisting businesses in Sacramento County, CA with environmental issues.
URL:  http://www.sacberc.org/
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URL: http://cfpub.epa.gov/clearinghouse/index.cfm?TopicID=C:10:100:150:CA:
Last Updated: Friday, November 07, 2008