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Updated 8:00 AM EST, April 15, 2008
 Deployment Statistics        

How do I use the website?

The website offers a number of different means to access the data, which can be selected from the menu on the left side of the home page.

Keyword Search. Users can search the database by entering a term. The default search method, match any word, returns any database entries that include the term. Alternate search methods are offered to users in addition to the default. The search results allow the user to search other ITS knowledge resource websites for information on the same term, covering ITS benefits, costs, lessons learned, the ITS Joint Program Office website, and the ITS Applications Overview. Please note: you may need to scroll down to see this feature!

Survey Results. This is the primary means of accessing the data. It allows access to the database grouped by 12 different ITS technologies. Selecting any one of the 12 icons at the top of page gives the user a list of all questions related to the technology. Responses to these questions can be accessed by selecting a survey year (2004, 2005, and 2006 are included in this website, access is also provided to earlier survey results covering 1996 to 2003 separately). The results are provided in a national summary as well as metropolitan summary as the default. Users can also select an agency summary view to see results for each individual agency surveyed. Results from other annual surveys tied to the same question can be accessed as well. Note: not every question was asked in each annual survey.

State of the Practice. The scope of state of the practice questions goes beyond deployment (how much or how many) to include coverage of issues such as procurement, staffing, funding, operations, and liability. A sample set of questions were included in the 2006 survey and are posted. Subsequent surveys will have more extensive set of state of the practice questions.

Subjects A-Z. This utility provides a listing of all questions in the database, in alphabetical order.

Summary Sheet. Summary sheets are available for all metropolitan areas and states. These one-page summaries provide deployment statistics for key technologies and provide quick overview of the status of any metropolitan area or state. The user can select the year for the data to be reported in the summary sheet. The summary sheets can be downloaded in the form of an Excel spreadsheet.

ITS in my State. As the name implies, this utility provides access to ITS data grouped by states. Users are provided a map from which they can select any state to see what deployment data are available through the web site. Access is provided to statewide information as well as to results for each metropolitan area surveyed in the state. Users can select to receive data in summaries or in detailed agency reports.

National Trends. This utility provides a graphical display of deployment trends covering 1997 to 2006 for key technologies, which are tracked in every survey.

Compare Results. This utility allows users to compare deployment information for two cities or two states to each other and to national averages. Users select two states or metropolitan areas and are provided a summary sheet displaying deployment data from each of the selected areas, along with national results.

Download Documents. A variety of reports are available, including survey summaries, national summary reports and individual metropolitan area reports, covering the 2004, 2005, and 2006 surveys.

1996-2003 Results. Results from earlier surveys are available in separate web sites.