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Documents Related to the ITS Benefits Database

Congestion Initiative Leaflets
ITS Benefits, Costs, and Lessons Learned: 2005 Update
Benefits and Costs Database Information from the NTOC "Action Kit"
ITS Taxonomy
ITS Benefits and Costs: 2003 Update
 Benefits Desk Reference
 Intelligent Vehicles Benefits Desk Reference
 ITS Benefits: 2001 Update
 ITS Benefits: 1999 Update
 Data Needs Update 2003
 Data Needs Update 2001
 Data Needs Update 2000
 Criteria Document

Congestion Initiative Leaflets

One element of the U.S. DOT's Congestion Initiative, National Strategy to Reduce Congestion on America's Transportation Network, released in May 2006, is to promote the use of new technologies, such as Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).

A series of leaflets published in January 2007 discusses how ITS technologies can be used in traffic incident management, traveler information, work zones, and traffic signal control to curb congestion and smooth traffic flow. Developed jointly by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the ITS Joint Program Office, the leaflets summarize the benefits, costs, extent of deployment, and lessons learned about these congestion-battling strategies. Information in the leaflets is taken from the ITS Decisionmakers' Resources – the ITS Benefits Database (, the ITS Costs Database (, the ITS Deployment Statistics Database (, and the ITS Lessons Learned Knowledge Resource ( – and other sources. The online version of each leaflet contains a full list of all sources used, so that all information presented in the leaflets is backed up with supporting documentation.

ITS for Traffic Incident Management: Download PDF, HTML

ITS for Traveler Information: Download PDF, HTML

ITS for Work Zones: Download PDF, HTML

ITS for Traffic Signal Control: Download PDF, HTML

ITS Benefits, Costs, and Lessons Learned: 2005 Update HTML

This report is a continuation of a series of reports providing a snapshot of the information collected by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) ITS Joint Program Office (JPO) on the impact that ITS projects have on the operation of the surface transportation network. New in the 2005 report is the introduction of summaries of lessons learned from ITS planning, deployment, operation, maintenance, and evaluation experience.

Free printed copies of the full report are available, by e-mailing

Benefits and Costs Database Information from the NTOC "Action Kit" Download PDF HTML

This document is a one-page overview on how to use the ITS Benefits and Costs Databases. It is part of the NTOC "Action Kit" -- a series of summaries, checklists, and outlines -- designed to be a useful reference tool for practicing professionals on a variety of topics related to transportation system management and operations.

ITS Taxonomy Download PDF HTML

The Taxonomy is the classification scheme used to categorize reports within the ITS Benefits Database. The figure contained in the PDF file depicts the categories used within the "Browse by Application" section of the Benefits Database.

ITS Benefits and Costs: 2003 Update HTML

For the first time, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is presenting in one document benefits and costs information for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) implementations. Intelligent Transportation Systems Benefits and Costs: 2003 Update represents a culmination of DOT’s active 10-year data collection on the impact of ITS projects on surface transportation and the cost of implementing them. This compendium builds on previous ITS benefits reports, and refers readers to the online database as well as cited references for additional details on the examples cited.

The HTML version of this report provides links to relevant information within the ITS Benefits and Unit Costs database. Look for the "Benefits" links, and links to the Unit Costs subsystems in each section of the report.

Free printed copies of the report are also available, by e-mailing

Benefits Desk Reference Download PDF HTML

The desk reference is intended to be a source of information for quickly finding examples of ITS benefits. It is often difficult to compare data from one project to another. This is due to the fact that there are several different variables involved between different implementations of ITS user services. Thus, statistical analysis of the data is not done. Some of the examples in the desk reference therefore show ranges of reported impacts. Others show only a single example from a record in the database.

Data is presented in two forms: 1) Program Area or Taxonomy, and 2) by the few good measures. The PDF file contains two pages, one for each presentation of the data.

Intelligent Vehicles Benefits Desk Reference Download PDF HTML

The one page Intelligent Vehicles desk reference provides example findings from the Benefits Database documenting the impacts of intelligent vehicle ITS applications. In addition to the findings highlighted in the larger Benefits Desk Reference, this document provides additional examples for each of three major areas of intelligent vehicle application: Collision Warning Systems, Driver Assistance Systems, and Collision Notification Systems.

ITS Benefits: 2001 Update Download PDF

Periodically, the ITS Joint Program Office publishes a report as a compendium of reported impacts of ITS that have been collected from a number of sources. The purpose of the report is to provide the JPO with a tool to transmit existing knowledge of ITS benefits to federal, state, and local decision makers and to the interested public. This report is also intended to provide the research community with information about where further analysis is required in the ITS program. The 2001 Update provides a comprehensive discussion of the reported impacts of ITS contained in the online database, with brief summaries of the documents entered since the 1999 Update report.

The 2001 Update report was made available electronically in April 2001 throught JPO's Electronic Document Library. Click the link above to download the PDF file. Due to the size of the electronic file, the PDF version must be downloaded in several segments. These files corresponded to several of the chapters linked in the table of contents within the report. Printed copies are also available.

ITS Benefits: 1999 Update Download PDF

The ITS Benefits: 1999 Update report provides a comprehensive discussion of the reported impacts of ITS based on documents entered in the online database before early 1999. Summary discussions of many of these documents are included in the report. The report was made available to the public in May 1999. An electronic version is available throught the link above, and printed copies are also available.

Data Needs Update 2003 Download PDF

This is the third in a series of reports documenting the results of a periodic assessment of the state of knowledge regarding the impacts of various ITS implementations on the surface transportation system.  The report presents the results of a web-based survey distributed to ITS stakeholders across the United States.  The 2003 survey asked participants to rate the importance of continued evaluation of implementations in each of the ITS application areas.


Data Needs Update 2001 Download PDF

This is the second in a series of reports documenting the results of a periodic assessment of the state of knowledge regarding the impacts of various ITS implementations on the surface transportation system.  The report presents the results of the 20 March 2001 workshop in Washington, DC sponsored by the Benefits, Evaluation and Costs (BEC) committee of ITS America and a corresponding survey distributed to ITS stakeholders across the United States.  In contrast to the survey distributed in 2000, the 2001 survey asked participants to rate the importance of continued evaluation of implementations in each of the ITS application areas.  In the survey distributed in 2000, participants were only questioned about the need for research in the areas with minimal coverage in the online ITS benefits database.  The 2001 survey also requested ratings for applications of ITS for commercial vehicle operations (ITS/CVO) and intermodal freight.

Data Needs Update 2000 Download PDF

The purpose of this report is to summarize and highlight where gaps or limited knowledge exists concerning the benefits of ITS services. It concentrates on the areas of metropolitan and rural ITS user services, and is intended to point out where additional evaluation of those services may be needed. The gaps highlighted are used to show where little data have been collected in a particular measure or ITS service. The lack of benefits data in an ITS service area does not mean that the service is not a good one. Rather it indicates where more evaluation may be needed to understand the full impacts of the service. In many cases, ITS services contain broad societal benefits or other intangible effects that may not be measurable. The results of this report are intended to assist the U.S. DOT's ITS Joint Program Office and provide some guidance to researchers for establishing which gaps are considered to be the most important and determining where limited evaluation resources may provide the most advantage.

The information presented in this report was developed as a result of a workshop sponsored by the Benefits Evaluation and Cost (BEC) committee of ITS America. The workshop was held on 12 July, 2000 and involved members of a data needs task force. The purpose of the task force was to develop, review and rate the listing of data needs. The rating of the data needs lists was accomplished in the form of a survey sent to the 31 members of the task force, of which 23 attended the workshop, and 18 returned the survey. Survey participants where asked to rate the items in the data needs list based on their assessment of the importance of conducting further evaluation in that ITS area. The rating occurred on a scale of 0 to 5 with 0 being no importance, and five being high importance.

Criteria Document: Download PDF

This document is a useful guide for those considering submitting data for inclusion in the database. The criteria document describes the procedure used in considering documents for inclusion in the ITS benefits database. It generally outlines the criteria that must be met by a document and describes the consideration given to documents from various sources (such as journal articles, conference presentations, and trade journal articles).

Last Modified: 08/23/2005

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