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Right-of-Way Outreach and Program Research

The Office of Real Estate Services (HEPR) supports the acquisition and management of real estate as required for the development of transportation services and facilities; and offers professional training and technical assistance. HEPR also provides resources on corridor management, property valuation, relocation assistance, utility management, and right-of-way management.

HEPR is fulfilling these right-of-way missions through outreach workshops, technical assistance, and program research. This office utilizes small business contractors, but also engages University and innovation researchers, to develop management and technology tools. The primary study areas include: 1) Right-of-way analysis; 2) Legislative and policy analysis; 3) Right-of-way administrative support; and 4) Marketing and facilitation. We are currently monitoring studies to support web-based submission of annual right-of-way statistics, provide for training in the high turn-over sector within local public agencies, and examine the potential for right-of-way education certification.

In addition, we are actively encouraging the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) by our right-of-way constituents. GIS is becoming an important field for right-of-way and has unlimited potential for right-of-way decision analysis. HEPR is currently supporting three GIS studies.

The Federal Highway Administration Research Programs for Realty Program Management and Outdoor Advertising Control
The measure of our success is determined by the extent to which you take the initiative to submit proposals for realty - and outdoor advertising control - related research topics for the next fiscal year.

2009 STEP Research Program

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is soliciting recommendations for utilization of funding that is being provided through the Surface Transportation Environment and Planning Cooperative Research Program (STEP) for Fiscal year 2008. Outdoor Advertising Control (OAC) / Realty Program Management is one component of the STEP emphasis areas. We are thereby requesting input from our partners and stakeholders who have an interest in collaborating on research plans and initiatives.

Completed Right-of-Way Research Topics

To view completed right-of-way research efforts, see Research Results Publications

Current Right-of-Way Research Topics

Mortgage Interest Differential Payment (MIDP)

A research study is underway to look at various types of mortgages available today, including reverse, pick-a pay, and adjustable rate mortgage plans. This study explores various methods of determining the mortgage interest differential payment using a simple Excel spreadsheet format. Information from the study will be used to develop guidance that will be posted on the HEPR website.

FHWA contact: Kathy Facer,

Turbo Expert Electronic Relocation System

The objective of the Turbo Expert Electronic Relocation System project is to provide a tool(s) to the SDOTs, FHWA Divisions, and other Federal agencies that will help ensure that relocation calculations are accurate, in accordance with current regulations, and completed in a uniform manner. This system will help to ensure that those relocated for federally aided programs or projects are receiving proper relocation benefits in a timely manner. This system will conform to the Uniform Act as well as all applicable Federal, DOT, and FHWA statutes, regulations, and guidelines for information technology systems.

FHWA contact: Arnold Feldman,

Appraisal Waivers

This study will identify and evaluate if the appraisal waiver is accomplishing the intended goals of minimizing administrative costs and expediting the acquisition of real property. The study will also determine which proportion of each State DOTs' acquisitions are valued with the appraisal waiver process, and what the associated DOT organizational consequences of the use of the appraisal waiver may be, including the impact on the DOTs' appraisal capabilities.

FHWA contact: John Turpin

Right-of-Way Education Barriers

This study will identify and evaluate barriers to the effective use of existing right-of-way training courses by Federal and State Right-of-Way personnel. The analysis will be based on the results of contacts with State Right-of-Way Managers and Federal Division Realty Officers, as well as selected training providers such as NHI, IRWA, and the Appraisal Institute. The purpose of this research is to provide HEPR with the data it needs to assess the effectiveness of the current training paradigm for right-of-way and HEPR's role within that paradigm. This includes identifying the best ways to use HEPR resources to help improve training and the resulting right-of-way expertise in transportation at the State and Federal levels.

FHWA contact: Arnold Feldman,

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